Worm Breeder's Gazette 9(3): 46

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Suppressors of bli-6(mn4) IV

M. Winter and R. Herman

The mutation mn4, which was identified among the progeny of X-ray 
treated males, confers a blistered phenotype. The mutation is dominant 
to wild-type with 100% penetrance. The reference allele for bli-6 IV 
is sc16, which is recessive to wild type. Meredith Kusch has mapped 
mn4 and another dominant mutation, sc74, close to sc16; and Park and 
Horvitz (1986, Genetics 113:821) have mapped their EMS-induced 
dominant mutation n776 very near to sc16. Thus it appears that bli-6 
IV is represented by one recessive and three dominant alleles.
We have identified 44 independent EMS-induced revertants of mn4. All 
are extragenic suppressors, and they fall into two general classes: 23 
are recessive dumpy mutations and 21 have wild-type morphology. All 
but one of the dumpy mutations have been assigned to known dpy genes, 
as follows: 1 allele of dpy-1 III, 3 alleles of dpy-3 X, 4 alleles of 
dpy-4 IV, 3 alleles of dpy-5 I, 3 alleles of dpy-7 X, 4 alleles of dpy-
8 X, 1 allele of dpy-9 IV, 1 allele of dpy-10 II, and 2 alleles of dpy-
13 IV. Not all dumpy mutations suppress mn4. For example, dpy-6(e14) X,
dpy-17(e164) III and dpy-18(e364) III do not suppress mn4 (and no 
suppressing alleles of these genes have been identified in our 
reversion screen), but dpy-5(e61) and dpy-1O(e128) do. All but three 
of the 23 dumpy mutations are recessive suppressors of mn4, i.e., 
animals of genotype dpy/+; mn4/+ are Bli non-Dpy. In the other three 
cases, however, dpy/+; mn4/+ animals are non-Bli non-Dpy. The three 
dominant suppressors are alleles of dpy-4,  
of these genes, we have at least one recessive suppressor allele; thus 
in each case the effect is allele specific, not gene specific. An 
incidental point about another dpy: Claire Kari has shown that the 
previously unmapped dpy-12(e182) is an allele of dpy-3.Analysis of the 
wild-type suppressors has not progressed as far, although most have 
been outcrossed at least twice. Seven of the 21 suppressors are 
dominant, by the criterion that mn4/+; sup/+ hermaphrodites are non-
Bli (males of this genotype are sometimes blistered). Three of the 
recessive wild-type suppressors appear to be X-linked (mn4/+; sup/O 
males are non-Bli) and fail to complement each other. We note that 
Kusch and Edgar (C. elegans Newsletter 9, no. 1. p.51) previously 
identified a wild-type suppressor of bli-6(sc73) which mapped to LGV 
and which also suppressed bli-6(sc16).We have put mn4 into a TR679-
like background and identified a few spontaneous revertants. One is a 
dumpy, an allele of dpy-5 I, and we have a spontaneous revertant of it.

Alice Burton, who is a member of the Biology Department of St. Olaf 
College in Northfield, MN, is looking at the SDS-soluble cuticle 
proteins of wild-type and mutant animals on SDS polyacrylamide gels.