Worm Breeder's Gazette 9(2): 97

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More on Autosomal Extragenic Suppressors of her-1(n695)V

J. Manser, C. Trent, and W.B. Wood

We are continuing our study of four EMS-induced autosomal extragenic 
suppressors of the semidominant allele her-1(n695) that were described 
in the previous Newsletter (WBG vol. 9, No. 1, p.70).  n1091 and ct49 
appear to be allelic and define a locus on LG III (sup III).  n1092 
and n1102 appear to be allelic and define a locus on LG V (sup v).  
When homozygous, each of these mutations strongly suppresses the Tra 
and Egl phenotypes resulting from her-1(n695).  All the suppressor 
mutations are semidominant: about 40% of n695 sup V/n695 + XX animals 
are wildtype hermaphrodites while about 5% of sup III/+; n695 XX 
animals are wild-type hermaphrodites.  None of the suppressor 
mutations appears to exhibit any phenotype by itself in either XX or 
XO animals.  As a first step toward determining where in the sex-
determination pathway these suppressor mutations act, we have 
constructed double mutants between each of the suppressor mutations 
and the null mutations tra-1(e1099) and tra-2(e1095)).  In all cases, 
the sup;tra XX double mutant animals appear to be identical to the tra 
XX single mutants.  This is true both for the soma (as assayed by 
general body features and male tail structures) and for the germline (
as assayed by gonad morphology and the production of mature sperm).  
These results suggest that the suppressor mutations effect their 
suppression of the her-1 semidominant allele by acting upstream of tra-