Worm Breeder's Gazette 9(2): 49

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Variants of Ascaris with Mirror Image Neuronal Morphologies

C.D. Johnson, P. Sithigorngul, and A.O.W. Stretton

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

The nervous system of Ascaris contains 298 neurons each of which is 
an identified cell whose morphological features are reproducible from 
animal to animal.  For some years, we have been analyzing the pattern 
of motor neuron commissures in Ascaris.  (Commissures are single 
processes which exit from the ventral nerve cord and run around the 
body, either to the right or to the left, to the dorsal cord).  
Although in general the commissure of each motor neuron is 
reproducibly to the right or to the left, we have found rare 
individuals in which the handedness of specific commissures is 
reversed.  These exceptions fall into two classes.  The first class 
includes animals in which a single commissure or commissure pair is 
reversed (Table 1).  Most of these involve the reversal of normally 
righthanded VI and DE1 commissures to produce single lefthanded VI 
commissures or lefthanded VI/DE1 commissure pairs.  Righthanded DE1 
commissures are almost never observed to reverse alone, although 4 
examples of normally lefthanded DE1 commissures being reflected to the 
right have been observed.  Single reversals are seen most frequently 
in VI/DE1 pairs adjacent to two lefthanded VI/DE1 commissure pairs 
which occur normally in the head and in the tail (Table 2); perhaps 
they reflect the spread of a local 'reversing' factor present at these 
sites.  Selective reversal of righthanded VI commissures and 
lefthanded DE1 commissures suggests that the factor's influence may be 
stronger on VI than on DE1 motor neurons.
The second class consists of variant animals in which entire sets of 
motor neurons have reversed commissures.  Initially, we found 2 Ab 
stained preparations in which all DE2, DE3 and DI commissures were 
reversed whereas all DE1 and VI commissures have their normal 
handedness.  Subsequent screening of 1639 animals with darkfield 
optics (which allows commissures to be viewed in live animals) has 
revealed 2 additional animals with identical patterns of commissure 
reversals as well as 6 other animals in which the commissures of all 
motor neurons are reversed.  Since in C.  elegans, neurons analogous 
to the DE2, DE3 and DI neurons are generated during embryogenesis 
whereas the DE1 and VI neurons are from post-embryonic lineages, we 
refer to these two types of variant animals as MIR-EMB and MIR-ALL 
respectively.  Neither MIR-EMB nor MIR-ALL animals have any apparent 
behavioral alteration.
Analysis of other neurons which have asymmetric shapes has shown 
that two other embryonic neurons in the head (analogous to RID and 
SABD) have mirror image morphologies in both MIR-EMB and MIR-ALL 
animals and that cells analogous to the (postembryonic) AVF cells are 
normal in MIREMB animals, but mirror images in MIR-ALL variants.  
Neurons with asymmetric commissures in the tail are also inverted in 
MIR-ALL animals (MIR-EMB animals have not yet been examined.  In 
contrast to these alterations in the shapes of neurons, we find that 
the location of asymmetrically positioned neuronal cell bodies (
Ascaris analogues of the PDEL/PDER, PVDL/PVDR, PVM/AVM and AQR/PQR 
neurons) are not reversed in either of the variants.  (The nucleus of 
the excretory duct, on the other hand, is on the left in normal and 
MIR-EMB animals, but on the right in MIR-ALL animals.) Thus it appears 
that MIR animals are not complete mirror images of the normal animals, 
but rather that they are variants with mirror image neuron 
The existence of two classes of MIR variants suggests that there are 
two separate mechanisms for determining the handedness of neurons: one 
operating during the growth of embryonic neurons, the other affecting 
the post-embryonic neurons, possibly reflecting maternal vs. zygotic 
expression of a common gene.  Confirmation of this possibility awaits 
genetic experiments in Ascaris or the isolation of comparable variants 
in C.  elegans.[See Figure 1]
[See Figure 2]
[See Figure 3]

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3