Worm Breeder's Gazette 9(2): 1

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

CGC News

M. Edgley

Figure 1

Figure 2

Bibliography:  In February we mailed the complete CGC bibliography 
for the years 1866 through 1985 to all labs with CGC lab designations. 
This version comprises three lists:  a full list in order of first 
author, an abbreviated list in order of CGC key number and a new list 
in which entries are grouped by keyword.  Copies of this collection 
are available for $7.50 U.S., plus postage.  Checks drawn on U.S. 
banks and mailed payable to 'The Worm Breeder's Gazette' should be 
mailed to me with your order.  We will continue our policy of printing 
bibliographic updates in the WBG.  Beginning with this issue, the 
updates will include keywords.  The bibliography is also available on 
computer diskette for use with database or word-processing programs, 
in PC-DOS (MS-DOS) 360 Kb or 1.2 Mb format.  To get your copy, with 
most of the instructions you'll ever need, send me a blank diskette, 
specify your disk format and tell me the program with which you want 
to use it.
Nomenclature:  In cooperation with Bob Herman and Jonathan Hodgkin 
and with David Baillie's lab, we are introducing two additions to 
nomenclature.  First, the name of Bob Herman's crossover suppressor C1 
has been changed to mnC1, with 'C' becoming a standard rearrangement 
type meaning 'dominant crossover suppressor.'  Second, we are adopting 
a system parallel to the C.  elegans system for naming strains and 
mutations of C.  briggsae.  In this new system strain names and allele 
numbers will be in the same format as those of C.  elegans, but strain 
and allele prefices will not overlap those assigned to C.  elegans.  
For example, Baillie's lab has chosen BU as their strain designation 
and sf for their allele designation.  A separate list of these 
designations will be maintained and published regularly in the WBG.  
Genes in C.  briggsae will be named as in C.  elegans, with a 
different mnemonic for the same phenotype.  For example, dpy in C.  
elegans will become cby (for ChuBbY) in C.  briggsae.  Gene numbers 
will be assigned in order of isolation.  A table of assigned symbols 
follow.  Baillie's lab has alleles of cby-1, cby-2, mip-1, mip-2, bub-
1 and pom-1.  As always, the CGC disclaims any responsibility for 
specific gene names chosen by investigators, so long as they conform 
to the nomenclature system.

Figure 1

Figure 2