Worm Breeder's Gazette 9(1): 78

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egl-16: A Gene Which Unites The Sex Determination and Dosage Compensation Pathways

A. Villeneuve and B. Meyer

At the recent CSH worm meeting we reported that mutations in the 
gene egl-16 1) can promote male development in XX animals, and 2) have 
phenotypes which are sensitive to X-chromosome dosage, affecting XX 
but not XO animals.  The former assertion was based on the 
observations that a) egl-16(n485.Y4)/Df XX animals display an 
incompletely penetrant Tra phenotype, and b) in double mutant strains, 
egl-16(n485) enhances the sexual transformation phenotypes of weakly 
masculinizing mutations in the genes tra-2 and egl-41.  The latter 
assertion was based on the fact that her-1(e1520);egl-16(n485) XX 
hermaphrodites are Egl and slightly short, while XO hermaphrodites are 
essentially wild-type.  Likewise, tra-1(e1099.e1488); 
85) XX animals are short pseudomales with abnormal 
bursae, while XO males are wild-type in length and have normal bursae.
Since the meeting, we have extended our understanding of egl-16 in 
The sexual transformation phenotype of egl-16 is effected through 
the major sex determination pathway.
XX animals homozygous for the weak allele tra-2(n1106) are not 
visibly transformed but are merely HSN Egl hermaphrodites.  The vast 
majority of animals of the genotype tra-2(n1106)unc-4(e120);egl-16(
n485), however, are either visibly sexually transformed or sterile; a 
homozygous strain of this genotype cannot be maintained.
To test whether this enhancement of sexual transformation caused by 
the egl-16 mutation occurs through the major sex determination pathway,
we constructed the triple mutant her-1(e1520);tra-2(n1106)unc-4(e120);
85).  The her-1 mutation blocks sexual 
transformation in this self-fertile Egl hermaphrodite strain, 
indicating that the egl-16 mutation promotes masculinization directly 
through the major sex determination pathway rather than via some 
peripheral mechanism.  Arguing from epistasis, egl-16 acts upstream of 
her-1, perhaps by modulating her-1 activity.
egl-16(n485) disrupts dosage compensation in XX animals.
The fact that egl-16(n485) affects XX but not XO animals regardless 
of sexual phenotype suggested that this mutation may disrupt dosage 
compensation, producing an elevated level of X-linked gene expression 
in XX animals.
This hypothesis was tested using both the biochemical assay for X-
specific mRNA levels (Meyer and Casson) and the morphological assay 
for lin-14 expression (Plenefisch and De Long) described in this issue.

We have measured the levels of myo-2(X) transcripts present in egl-
16(n485) and N2 hermaphrodite RNA preparations.  When the preps are 
normalized to myo-1(I) transcript levels, we find that the level of 
myo-2 mRNA in the egl-16 prep is indeed substantially increased over 
that seen in the N2 prep (quantitation is in progress).  We are 
currently preparing to measure transcript levels in him-5(e1490);egl-
16(n485) males to determine whether the observed increase is specific 
for XX animals.
egl-16(n485) also causes phenotypic suppression of the hypomorphic 
mutation lin-14(n179) in the double mutant.  This result is consistent 
with an increase in the level of X-linked gene expression caused by 
egl-16.  No such suppression is observed in XO animals, suggesting 
that the effect is limited to XX animals.
Thus, both biochemical and genetic evidence indicate that egl-16(
n485) disrupts dosage compensation in XX animals.
egl-16(n485) differs from previously characterized sex determination 
and dosage compensation mutations in that it identifies a common 
function which unites the two pathways.  Our data are consistent with 
a model in which the wild-type egl-16 activity is involved in 
transmitting information about the X:A ratio to both sex determination 
and dosage compensation pathways.  By this model, a mutation in egl-16 
results in an apparent underassessment of the X:A ratio in XX animals, 
shifting both sex determination and dosage compensation mechanisms 
toward their XO modes.
We have begun to examine interactions between egl-16 and other 
components of the dosage compensation mechanism.  A few results are 
summarized briefly for 
1.  dpy-21(e428);egl-16(n485) is a viable Dpy 
odite strain.
2.  him-5(e1490);egl-16(n485) XXX animals are inviable, or at least 
greatly reduced in viability.
3.  dpy-28(y1);egl-16(n485) is inviable as a strain, even at 15 C (
permissive temperature for Y1); Y1/y1;n485 progeny from Y1/+;n485 
mothers are sometimes self-fertile, but produce broods comprised 
entirely of arrested larvae and occasional wild-type males.