Worm Breeder's Gazette 9(1): 71

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Suppression of dpy-22 Male Inviability By X Duplications

W.B. Wood

XO males carrying the dpy-22(e652) X mutation generally do not 
survive to adulthood; those that do are small and sickly.  We have 
postulated that the low viability is due to apparent under-expression 
of the X chromosome caused by this mutation (Meneely and Wood, 1985 C. 
elegans Meeting Abstracts, p.  90; Meneely et al., in preparation).  
Presence of X duplications generally appears to increase overall X 
expression (Meneely and Wood, 1983, Genetics 106:29; Meneely, this 
issue).  To determine how these two effects interact, we have begun 
testing the viability of dpy-22 XO males that carry X duplications 
derived from either the maternal or the paternal parent.  In N2(male) 
x dpy-22(hermaphrodite) crosses, the progeny male ratio (PMR: 
identifiable Dpy progeny males to total outcross progeny) ranges from 
about 10% to 30%.  For the initial duplication experiments we used 
mnDp25 (X;I), a duplication of about 25% of the X including the unc-3 
locus but not the dpy-22 locus.  The cross mnDp25/+;unc-3/0(male) x 
dpy-22 rodite) gave  PMR of 16% +- 5% (39/244 
in two experiments), compared to 19% +- 6% (31/165) in the control 
cross N2(male) x dpy-22 maphrodite).  Therefore, 
introduction of this duplication paternally has no significant effect. 
To test the effect of introducing it maternally, we crossed N2(male) 
x mnDp25;unc-20 unc-3(hermaphrodite) (rather than 
the simpler mnDp25;dpy-22 maphrodite), which turned 
out to have unexpectedly low viability).  We obtained a PMR of 46% +- 
5% (158/341), compared to 5% +- 2% (21/389) in the control cross N2(
male) x unc-20 unc-3(hermaphrodite).  Similar 
results have been obtained in preliminary experiments with mnDp8 (-15% 
of X) and mnDp9 (-25% of X), neither of which include the dpy-22 locus.
Further experiments with these and additional duplications are in 
progress.  So far it appears that X duplications not including the dpy-
22 locus can suppress the inviability of dpy-22 XO males if supplied 
from the maternal parent, but not if supplied from the paternal parent,
consistent with a maternal effect of X duplications on early X-
chromosome expression in the embryo.