Worm Breeder's Gazette 8(3): 14

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Movement Behavior as a Predictor of Life Span

M.L. Keller, T. Johnson

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

We followed movement rates in four recombinant inbred (RI) strains (
TJ119, TJ135, TJ142, TJ143) and the parental strains (N2 and 
Bergerac/B0) as a function of age to determine whether movement 
behavior can be used as a quantitative predictor of life-span.  In 
preliminary experiments to determine the best methods for studying 
movements we counted forward waves, backward waves, and omega turns (
head to tail directional changes), and determined the reproducibility 
of four possible methods of assay.  Three investigators independently 
scored individual movement of twenty 3-day old N2 hermaphrodites in 
four different 
1) Undisturbed in liquid culture of S buffer plus E. coli (10+E9/ml)
2) Transferred from 1 to S buffer.
3) Transferred from 1 to plates prepared according to the Bolanowski 
et al.  [Mech.  Age.  Dev., 15:279] 
4) Transferred from 1 to unspotted NGM plates.
In all cases behavior was assayed at room temperature for 1 minute.  
Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences between 
media, but no significant differences between investigator for media 1,
3, and 4.  Unspotted NGM plates were chosen for convenience for the 
study of age-dependent behavior using test populations of ten worms 
each from synchronous lays of the six genotypes.  Our assays are of 
spontaneous, unstimulated rates of movement.
We established aging cultures of the six strains.  Each worm was 
maintained individually in microtitre wells under our standard 
conditions [P.N.A.S.  79, 6603] in 0.6 ml of media.  Movement was 
observed for 60 seconds.  Statistical analysis of a combined movement 
rate, the sumrate, (forward rate + backward rate + omega rate) yielded 
the following 
The mean movement rates showed significant negative correlations 
with chronological age for all genotypes, P<.002, (See Table I).
Across the six RI lines, Pearson correlations between life-span and 
the slope of the regression, the X-intercept, or the Y-intercept were 
determined.  Only the correlation with the X-intercept was 
statistically significant (see Table II) although slope was also 
highly correlated with life-span.  Thus the X-intercept of the 
regression line of movement rate with age could be used as a predictor 
of life-span for these genotypes.  These correlations indicate that 
the genotype of a strain has phenotypic effects that are expressed 
both in the life-span and in the ability to move as an individual worm 
ages.  This is important because there are no accurate predictors of 
life-span in any organism and there are theoretical arguments for the 
lack of any predictors.  Even within an RI line (genetically identical 
and therefore no genetic but only environmental influences) we 
observed the regression of movement rate with age for individual worms 
and the projected X-intercept to be positively correlated with life-
span and thus potentially useful as a predictor.
Heritability estimates of movement at each age indicated a high 
heritability during the reproductive period (40%) which diminished to 
near zero by day 11.  Heritability (h ) was calculated using the 

[See Figure 1]
as described by Johnson and Wood.  This is an unexpected finding and 
indicates that the genetic influences on behavior become less dramatic 
with age; perhaps because the environmental components have more time 
to influence individual behavior.  These results suggest that the 
senescent program may be played out by.  mechanisms that have common 
effects on life-span as well as on behavior or conversely that 
behavior and life-span are causally connected.
[See Figures 2-3]

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3