Worm Breeder's Gazette 6(1): 37a

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Title unknown.

Authors unknown.

Encouraged by Stretton & Co.'s result that many minutes are required 
to wash the muscle-contracting effect of meta-aminolevamisole out of 
Ascaris muscle strips, we've synthesized tritiated meta-
aminolevamisole of high specific radioactivity.  By thin layer 
chromatography, the drug is greater than 97% radiochemically pure, has 
the same high biological potency on cut C.  elegans as the 
nonradioactive drug, and has a specific radioactivity of 15 to 30 
Ci/mmole.  We incubate the radioactive drug with total worm extract 
and collect any radioactivity bound to membrane fragments by passing 
the extract through a glass fiber fiIter.  A control assay is done in 
the presence of a thousand fold excess of nonradioactive drug.  
Specific binding is the difference between the total binding (first 
assay) and nonspecific binding (second assay).  We find that the wiId 
type nematode containing a high affinity, saturable binding activity.  
There is about 1 picomole of this activity per gram of worms, having a 
dissociation constant of roughly 1 x 10+E-8 M.  In agreement with 
Stretton's original finding, the drug dissociates very slowly from its 
bound state (half life ~10 min.).  The formation of the bound state 
also occurs relatively slowly.  The rate constant is ~1 x 10+E5 
liter/mole-sec at 0 C, several orders of magnitude slower than 
diffusion-limited binding, implying that a rate-limiting step such as 
a protein conformational change might be involved with the formation 
of the bound state observed in vitro.  We have screened extracts of 
several levamisole-resistant mutants having little or no response to 
the drug as living worms.  lev-1(x21) has normal binding activity 
while unc-74(x19) and unc-29(x29) have none.  Several other mutants, 
unc-38(x20), ), and unc-29(e1O72) apparently have 
activity altered in amount or affinity.  Anyway, all this is a 
definite first of some sort.  We'll try to figure out what and let you 
know more at the Worm Meeting.