Worm Breeder's Gazette 6(1): 26

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Genetic Control of Lifespan

T.E. Johnson, C.H. Lashlee, G. McCaffrey

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Growth Conditions:  We are using lifespan as a quantitative variable 
for performing several sorts of genetic analyses.  We have picked 
standard environmental conditions which optimize the brood size of 
hermaphrodites.  These conditions are 20 C in 4 mls of S basal plus 
cholesterol with 10+E9 E.  coli B/5 as food source and 50 worms per 
plate in 6 cm falcon plastic petri plates.  In this range, lifespan is 
negatively correlated with both temperature and with E.  coli 
concentration.  These conditions are therefore far from optimal for 
length of life.  We have also used standard NGM and OP50 at 25 C as an 
alternative environment for growing aging populations.  Under these 
conditions only 10 worms are cultured on each plate.  The lifespan of 
all populations is significantly shortened under these latter 
Data Storage and Analysis: We are developing a system for selection 
of strains of worms which display significantly lengthened lifespans 
when compared with normal N2 strains.  Much of the analysis of 
lifespan is based on comparisons of survival curves for different 
populations.  We have developed a computer based data storage and 
analysis system.  The system stores data on a daily basis and then 
performs several transformations to yield data sets suitable for 
analysis either by SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) or 
by the log rank statistic.  Both the SPSS which uses a modified 
Kruskal-Wallis test, and the log rank are non-parametric statistics 
developed precisely for performing survival analysis on populations of 
individuals.  Preliminary evidence suggests that the log rank is a 
somewhat more powerful statistic.  We are performing comparisons on 
these statistics now.
Reproducibility: Reproducibility is tested by asking whether 
genetically identical sample populations generated simultaneously but 
independently transferred by different individuals show identical 
survival curves.  They do.  However, variability is introduced by 
minor changes in procedure.  Sample populations of N2 established in 
different experiments show significant differences in lifespan.  This 
problem is overcome by including a full battery of controls in each 
Inbreeding and Heterosis: Most animal species have characteristic 
lifespans under defined experimental conditions.  C.  elegans N2 also 
shows different lifespans for the male and the hermaphrodite.  Typical 
mean N2 male and hermaphrodite lifespans are about 17 and 20 days, 
respectively.  Other laboratory species previously used in analyses 
similar to ours show overdominance for length of life: that is, the F1 
hybrid progeny of two different lab strains live significantly longer 
than either parental line.  C.  elegans does not show this effect (
Table 1).  The F1 progeny of two different lab strains have lifespans 
intermediate to the mean lifespan of the two parental wildtype strains.
Thus lifespan appears to be controlled by simple additive genes 
whose effects can merely be summed to predict the probable lifespan of 
the F1.  This major difference in the behavior of C.  elegans and 
other animal species may be due to the fact that the worm is a self-
fertilizing hermaphrodite and is normally completely inbred.  In 
sexual species significant inbreeding occurs in the laboratory 
environment, so that lifespans of lab populations often are shorter 
than lifespans of wild populations.  Cross breeding of such lab 
populations results in a significant overdominance effect on lifespan. 
The lack of overdominance effects in C.  elegans allows us to use 
length of life as a simple quantitative genetic parameter.
Quantitative Genetics of Lifespan: We have established populations 
of worms derived from F1 individuals of a cross between Bristol (N2) 
males and Bergerac hermaphrodites.  The F1 individuals were raised at 
25 C to identify Bergerac self-fertilization progeny which are sterile 
at 25 C.  Fertile F1 outcross progeny produced F2 progeny which were 
maintained at 20 C to allow normal development of those individuals 
carrying the temperature sensitive Bergerac gene.  The F2 populations 
derived from such experiments consistently show an increase in 
variance of lifespan (Table 2).  F tests on the data show that this 
increase is significant.  We can demonstrate even greater differences 
by performing the survival curves on agar at 25 C instead of in 
suspension at 20 C (Table 2).
Effects of EMS Treatment: No one has developed a strain, in any 
organism, with significantly increased longevity.  We have examined 
the effects of EMS mutagenesis on length of life of the parental 
mutagenized animals and their F1 or F2 progeny.  We find significant 
deviations from the unmutagenized controls in the F2 of EMS treated 
parents (Table 3).  However, EMS treated parental worms or their F1 
progeny show no significant differences in lifespan.  This can be 
explained by assuming that the differences seen among the F2 are due 
to homozygosis of many sublethal genes.
Screening of Potential Genetic Markers: We have measured lifespans 
of several ts developmental mutants, X-linked morphological and 
behavioral mutants as well as sexual transformers of several types.  
One major purpose behind these screens is to identify markers that do 
not affect lifespan.  A partial summary of these findings is presented 
in Table 4.  We have asked if the lifespan depression observed in one 
of the strains, B245, might be due to other unlinked genes which are 
still segregating in the B245 genetic background.  Among several 
isolates from a backcross of B245 with N2 males was one isolate which 
did display normal N2 lifespans.  We are currently repeating this 
experiment.  These findings suggest that one reason for not detecting 
mutants which extend lifespan might be that the background of EMS 
induced sublethals blocks the observation of those mutants which do 
show an extension of life.
Selection for Increased Lifespan: We are currently beginning the 
second round of a long term selection designed to select longer-lived 
strains from a Bristol-Bergerac hybrid population.  A set of F2 
progeny are generated as outlined above and maintained as single worms 
in microtitre plates.  F3 progeny of individuals are saved until the 
longest lived worms are identified.  Males are generated from these F3 
plates and all the long-lived populations are then intercrossed to 
produce a new hybrid population.
[See Figure 1]
[See Figure 2]
[See Figure 3]

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3