Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(2): 50b

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Ultraviolet-sensitive Mutants of C. elegans

N. Ishii, K. Suzuki

In order to develop a new field of biology with nematodes, we have 
put forward the radiobiological studies using R.  tokai and C.  
elegans (WBG, 5(1), 1980).  Recently we have isolated several UV-
sensitive mutants of C.  elegans.  Of these mutants, two have been 
studied in more detail.  They are approximately 4-5 times more 
sensitive to UV than is the wild-type: Namely, only 4th to 5th the 
influence of UV is enough to kill nematodes to give a same level of 
survival (for example, one per cent) as compared with the wild-type.  
Mutant eggs are also more sensitive to UV than are the wild-type eggs 
with respect to hatchability.  Interesting was the fact that these 
mutants have a shorter life span than that of the wild-type.  As far 
as we know, these mutants are the first case of man-made mutants with 
respect to UV-sensitivity as well as to life span in animal kingdom.  
Reports will appear in near future.