Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(2): 42b

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Mutations Modifying Programmed Cell Death

E. Hedgecock, J. Sulston

Figure 1

Mutations in two genes, ced-1 and ced-2, alter the duration of 
programmed cell deaths seen by Nomarski microscopy.  The refractile 
stage during which the nucleus assumes a uniform raised appearance 
lasts for hours instead of minutes.  The DNA of dead cells persists as 
compact dots of Feulgen reactive material similar to the persistant 
DNA from cell deaths in the endodeoxyribonuclease deficient mutant 
e1392 (nuc-1, X) described by M.  Dew and J.  Sulston in WBG vol.  1, 
number 1, December 1975.  All cell deaths, embryonic and post-
embryonic, appear to be affected.  The phenotypes are similar for 
mutations in either gene and there is no defect apparent using the 
dissecting microscope alone.
[See Figure 

Figure 1