Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(2): 28

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Complex Complementation in the unc-84 X Locus

B. Fixsen, B. Horvitz

The first postembryonic event in the development of the ventral cord 
in C.  elegans is the migration of the 12 precursor (P) cells.  We now 
have 20 independent alleles defective in P cell migrations.  Seven (
e1408, e1409, n159, n320 , n331, n368 and n370) define the unc-83 V 
locus, and the remaining 13 define the unc-84 X locus.  All 20 alleles 
are temperature-sensitive, even though no selection for temperature-
sensitivity had been used, and all show variable expressivity.  Of the 
13 X-linked alleles, all but two are recessive; e1174/+ and n322/+ 
heterozygotes have, on average, 52 neurons in their ventral cords 
rather than the normal 57, but are not visibly uncoordinated.
Complementation studies of the 13 alleles of the unc-84 locus, when 
analyzed by ventral cord counts, define four classes: Class I (e1174, 
e1411, n322), Class II (e1410, e1748, n296, n321, n399), Class III (
e1412, n323, n371)and Class IV ( n369, n400).  Class I complements II 
but not I.  Class II complements I but not II.  Class III partially 
complements Class I but does not complement II or III.  Class IV fails 
to complement any of the classes.  We know that members of the Classes 
I and II map in the same general region, but the precise nature of the 
unc-84 locus remains to be determined.
Cord counts were made using a DAPI (4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole di-
hydrochloride, Polysciences, Inc.) staining protocol based upon 
previously developed techniques of D.  Albertson, M.  Chalfie and S.  
Ward.  (We have found that DAPI quenches much less quickly than 
Hoechst 33258.) Worms are picked into a 3-5 lambda drop of water 
placed on a slide.  A few drops of Carnoy's fixative (6:3:1; absolute 
ethanol:chloroform:glacial acetic acid) are dropped onto the worms 
using a Pasteur pipette and the slide is then allowed to air dry.  (
The slide will keep in this state for several days.) Once dry, 3-5 
lambda of stain (1 ml of water: 1-2 lambda of phenoxypropanol:1-2 
lambda of 1 mg/ml DAPI) is placed on the slide and a coverslip is laid 
on top.  Nuclei can then be observed immediately using fluorescence 
microscopy as for Hoechst 33258.  Single animals can also be reliably 
stained using this protocol.