Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(2): 21

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Regulation in the Development of the Microtubule Cells

M. Chalfie

During a Nomarski screen of the mab (male abnormal) mutants, John 
Sulston noticed that there were anterior Q daughters on the left side 
of mab-5(e1239) animals.  (Normally, the daughters of Q2 (right) are 
anterior, those of Q1 are posterior - see Sulston and Horvitz, Develop.
Biol.  56: 110-156, 1977.) By following the Q lineages in mab-5, 
I've found that the defect is caused by the inappropriate migration of 
the Q1 progeny (toward the head instead of the tail).  This places the 
lineage anywhere from near the vulva to the anterior position of the 
Q2 progeny.
Among the cells made by these lineages are the two ventral 
microtubule cells: Q2.paa,.the anterior ventral microtubule c.?ll (AVM)
, and Q1.paa, the posterior ventral microtubule cell (PVM) (see Fig.  
1 in Chalfie and Thomson, J.  Cell Biol.  82: 278-289, 1979).  
Although these cells have many common features, they differ in that l) 
Q2.paa is more anterior, 2) only Q2.paa grows an added branch into the 
nerve ring, 3) only Q2.paa makes synapses with the major ventral cord 
interneurons (via the extra branch), and 4) Q2.paa, but not Q1.paa, is 
sufficient to give a touch response when all the other microtubule 
cells (the touch receptors) are killed with the laser.  To test 
whether these differences result from the different placement of the 
cells, one would like to alter their positions.  The mab-5 mutation, 
in effect, does this.  If Q1.paa is made near the vulva in the mutant, 
it has a microtubule cell process that goes further anterior than the 
wild type process (almost to the rear bulb of the pharynx), but it 
does not have the added branch and it is not functional on its own.  
However, when Q1.paa is produced near to the position of Q2.paa (i.e.  
even microtubule-containing process grows past the nerve ring).  Under 
these conditions, it has the added branch and is functional.  Q1.paa, 
thus, becomes more like Q2.paa.  In another experiment, laser debris 
was created in the migration path of the wild type Q2 cell.  With its 
migration blocked, Q2 divided posterior to the vulva.  Although the E. 
M. hasn't been done yet, it is known that Q2.paa is not functional.  
It appears that the correct positioning of Q2.paa is also important 
for its differentiation.  Thus, the growth of the extra branch and, 
probably, the formation of synapses are under some position-dependent 
regulation.  Other features may not be dependent on position, e.g.  
the length of the microtubule-containing process.