Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(2): 20

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Cytological Structures Coloured by Basic Stains of Neurosecretory-like Material in C. elegans

N. Mounier

Neurosecretory-like material was investigated in C.  elegans L4 and 
adult hermaphrodites and in males, by histochemical methods in optics 
microscopy.  We tried numerous fixative fluids: Bouin, Dubosq-Brasil, 
Halmi, Carnoy, Zenker, Osmium tetroxide and several staining 
techniques : paraldehyde-fuchsin (PF), alcian blue, chrome-hematoxylin,
Heidenhain azan.  Only the two first dyes react, as usually, with all 
the cuticular external and internal structures without an oxidizing 
treatment (because the surface coat external to the cuticular membrane 
contains mucopolysaccharid acids) and with intestinal microvilli after 
oxidation.  Another positive reaction is obtained on osmium-tetroxide 
fixed worms, stained by paraldehyde-fuchsin after a hot chromic 
oxidation.  The surprising result was that this positive reaction was 
observed not in a nerve cell as expected for neurosecretory-like 
material, but in the two large glandular cells associated to the so-
called 'excretory'-system.  Paraldehyde-fuchsin positive (PF + ) 
granules fill the whole cytoplasm of the two secretory gland cells i.e.
the nucleus area located ventrally under the terminal bulb of the 
pharynx, the processes sent anteriorly which fuse with each other 
under the excretory pore and even the very thin processes sent again 
more anteriorly ending under the nerve ring.  The amount of the PF+ 
granules is low in L4 hermaphrodites and in males and is mostly found 
in the anterior processes.  It increases during the adult period of 
the hermaphrodites and is distributed in the whole gland.  These 
granules present the game histochemical properties that neurosecretory-
like material and the technical conditions allowing to reveal their 
presence indicate the nature of a sulfurylated lipo-protein.  We will 
try to bring a proof and a further characterization of a 
neurosecretory-like nature of the granules content with 
immunocytological technics using anti-vertebrates neuro-hormones 
antibodies.  A role of this PF + granules in a developmental event is 
possible since the excretory glands are communicating with the 
excretory canals : the secreted products can be released here and then 
in the pseudo-coelomic fluid before to act on target cells.