Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(1): 36

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Chitinase Digestion of the Shell of C. elegans Embryos

P. Bazzicalupo, N. Wolf, D.I. Hirsh

Following the suggestion of Tony Otsuka at the worm meeting in May, 
we have been using chitinase to digest the shells of eggs that have 
been treated with NaClO.  We found that the commercially available 
enzyme works in Egg Buffer (Hepes pH 7.2  5mM, NaCl 110mM, KCl 4mM, Mg 
Acetate 5mM, CaCl2 5mM); in this solution blastomeres survive and stay 
reasonably healthy.  As suggested by Tony Otsuka, the hypochlorite 
treatment is required in order for chitinase to have effect; the 
concentration of NaClO and the length of treatment vary somewhat 
depending on the purpose of the experiment and on whether one starts 
from gravid worms or from eggs.
For large scale preparations gravid worms are treated for 2 to 3 
minutes with 2% NaClO with frequent mixing.  The NaClO concentration 
is then reduced to 0.2% and disruption of the carcasses and freeing of 
the eggs is accomplished with the use of a homogenizer loosely fitted 
with a Teflon pestel.  After 7 minutes in 0.2% NaClO, the eggs are 
collected and washed in Egg Buffer.  Chitinase is added to the egg 
suspension.  Because of the low specific activity, 5 to 10mg of 
protein per ml have to be used.  Digestion is followed by taking 
samples for microscopic observation and is interrupted by washing 
several times with cold Egg Buffer.  We have noticed that prolonged 
digestion damages the embryos.  At this point most of the embryos have 
assumed a spherical shape and are still surrounded by the 'inner 
membrane' which is also the main permeability barrier of the embryo.  
To break the inner membrane and disaggregate the cells, embryos are 
suspended in a medium composed of one part of Ascaris coelemic fluid 
and four parts of Egg Buffer lacking Ca++ and Mg++.  Embryos are 
gently homogenized (2-3 strokes) with a loose fitting Teflon pestel 
and Mg+ and Ca++ are restored immediately.  Filtration and 
differential centrifugation yield fairly clean preparations of 
blastomeres.  Cells prepared by this method appear reasonably healthy; 
but the fraction of them that divide a few more times has varied 
substantially in different experiments.  Large quantities of embryos 
can be easily processed and the shells used as starting material for a 
variety of biochemical studies.  In these suspensions of disaggregated 
blastomeres gut cells containing polarizing granules can be easily 
distinguished from other cells with the use of crossed polarizers.  We 
want to instruct a cell sorter to use this property to separate E 
cells from non-E cells.
We have used chitinase digestion on small amounts of eggs cut out of 
gravid hermaphrodites.  In this case the 2% NaClO treatment cannot 
exceed 1 minute.  The rest of the treatment is the same.  After 
chitinase digestion embryos can be fixed for EM with excellent results.
Eggs as early as the 2-cell stage can be fixed.  We are identifying 
a number of ultrastructural markers of differentiation by looking at 
different stages of N2 embryos and plan to examine their appearance in 
some ts embryonic lethals.
We are also using the chitinase method as another means to obtain 
isolated early blastomeres (e.g., Pl, P2, AB, EMST, C, etc.) to study 
their intrinsic cleavage pattern and their potential for 
differentiation and would like to confirm with this method the results 
obtained by the burst egg technique.