Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(1): 35

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Isolation of Clones Containing C. elegans Coding Sequences

R. Knowlton, M. Lauth

Figure 1

We have isolated C.  elegans DNA sequences cloned in phage vectors 
to use as probes for messenger RNA's in the worm.  A clone library of 
C.  elegans DNA fragments generated by complete digestion with 
endonuclease EcoRI has been constructed with the phage vehicle Charon 
3.  This phage can accept worm DNA fragments up to 12.3 kilobases in 
length.  Recombinant phage carrying worm genes are detected by 
hybridization to cDNA copied from various RNA preparations.  RNA 
populations tested so far are from adult worms, early embryos (less 
than 30-cell) and late embryos (lima bean to hatching).  All are 
enriched for poly-A-containing RNA's by chromatography on oligo-dT-
cellulose or poly-U-sepharose.
Over one hundred clones containing transcribed sequences have been 
isolated and retested against all three cDNA sets.  The responses of 
the cloned DNA's fall into the following 
[See Figure 1]
The distribution of cloned DNA's among these categories may be 
biased for several reasons.  First, only adult and early embryo cDNA's 
were used to select these clones from the library; late embryo-
specific genes might have been missed.  Second, negative results do 
not indicate complete absence of the transcript, but only a 
concentration too low to give a significant signal in filter 
The majority of the cloned sequences are present in the RNA of all 
stages tested, but some of the transcripts clearly vary in abundance 
during development.  Because we isolated over 100 cloned genes by 
screening at most one sixth of the sequences of the C.  elegans genome,
we estimate that these clones are representative of the 600-1000 most 
abundant transcripts in adult worms or early embryos.  Although some 
repeated genes may be duplicated in the collection, the ribosomal RNA 
and collagen genes are not included.  However, class (1) includes four 
clones that hybridize to sea urchin histone genes.

Figure 1