Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(1): 23

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Updated Pathway for Dauer Larva Formation

D. Riddle

Figure 1

Figure 2

A major question in the analysis of dauer larva formation is: 'How 
do the genes work together to specify the developmental sequence?' The 
epistatic relationships between genes were determined by constructing 
double mutants, homozygous for both a constitutive and a defective 
mutation.  On the basis of the suppression patterns, a pathway was 
constructed with individual genes assigned to the control of various 
steps (Figure 1).  A summary of the complete battery of cross-
suppression tests is given in Table 1.  The pathway includes some 
mutants which exhibit pleiotrophic sensory defects correlated with 
abnormal neural ultrastructure.  We proposed that the genetic pathway 
corresponds to a pathway of neurotransmission involving reception of 
an environmental signal associated with starvation, and the conversion 
of that signal into a neuro-endocrine response.
[See Figure 1]
Figure 1.  An updated genetic pathway for dauer larva formation 
based on epistatic relationships between dauer-constitutive mutations 
and dauer-defective mutations.  Gene names of dauer-constitutives are 
given in the pathway itself to represent points where false signals 
can be initiated.  Dauer-defective genes block the pathway at the 
positions shown by dashed lines.  The designation, daf, for dauer 
formation, is applied to both constitutive and defective mutants.
Dauer-defective mutants which block only the upper pathway in Figure 
1 (e.g.  daf-18 and daf-6) do not form dauers on starved plates.  
Therefore, we conclude that the lower pathway specified by daf-2 must 
not function under these specific conditions.  This second pathway may 
represent the response to different environmental signals, or it may 
function only in daf-2 mutants.
All the epistatic relationships are based on tests with ts dauer-
constitutive alleles because the ts property facilitates the 
construction of multiple mutants containing these mutations.  However, 
a few lethal dauer-constitutive alleles have been collected.  Animals 
homozygous for the 'lethal' alleles always form dauers and the dauers 
never recover.  Stocks are maintained as balanced heterozygotes.  The 
ability of a dauer-defective daf-16 mutation to suppress a lethal daf-
2 mutation was tested by constructing a homozygous daf-16 
The daf-16 mutation is completely epistatic; 
the strain does not form dauers even when starved.  The presence of 
the daf-2 allele in this strain as confirmed by complementation 
testing.  Suppression in this case shows that (1) daf-16 provides an 
absolute block to the most extreme constitutive mutations, although it 
does not suppress alleles of certain other constitutive genes, (2) the 
effects of the 'lethal' mutations on development subsequent to the 
dauer stage can be examined, and (3) suppression provides a means to 
maintain homozygous stocks of the lethal constitutive alleles.
Table 1.  Suppression of dauer-constitutive mutations by dauer-

[See Table 
a (+) indicates that, in a particular constitutive-defective double 
mutant, the constitutive phenotype is suppressed (the defective is 
epistatic).  A (-) indicates gene pairs in which the constitutive is 
epistatic (no suppression of the constitutive phenotype).  In cases 
where suppression is not complete the fraction of the double-mutant 
population which escapes dauer formation is given in parentheses as 
percent suppression.  Dauer-defective strains are all single mutants 
with allele numbers corresponding to the strain numbers.  
Corresponding gene names and lineage groups are given in parentheses.  
The multiply-marked constitutives have the following genotypes, where 
allele numbers are given in parentheses after the corresponding gene 
name: DR194.  dpy-11(e224)daf-11(m47) 57); DR189,
dpy-5(e61)daf-8(e1393)unc-29(e1O72); DR133, dpy-1(e1)daf-7(e1372)unc-
32(e189);DR202, 38)daf-14(m77); DR204, daf-1(m40)
dpy-4(e1166); D446,daf-4(e1364)unc-32(e189); DR130, dpy1(e1)daf-2(

Figure 1

Figure 2