Worm Breeder's Gazette 5(1): 21b

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Characterization of Worm Senescence

T. Johnson, G. McCaffrey, D. Kauffman

We are taking advantage of the short lifespans of N2 hermaphrodites 
to study the biology of senescence.   We are currently pursuing 
several different approaches.   1) We are characterizing standard 
morphological mutants to identify those with normal lifespans, for 
possible future genetic analysis of mutants with altered lifespans.   
2) We are also characterizing various temperature-sensitive 
developmental mutants as possible marker strains and as possible 
candidates for lengthened lifespan mutants.   3) We are examining the 
phenomenon of hormesis a lengthening of lifespan by sublethal doses of 
lethal drugs - in hopes of defining pathways of senescence.   4) N2 
males have lifespans which are significantly shorter than those of 
hermaphrodites.   We are using stocks carrying various sex-
transforming genes (tra's isx-1 and her's) to try to understand 
something about the mechanisms that may be responsible for this 
difference.   One typical experiment involves comparing the lifespan 
of her/herXX animal and a her/her XO.   Such a comparison would enable 
us to ask if the difference in lifespan between the sexes is due to 
somatic mutations on the monosomic X chromosome of the XO 
hermaphrodites.   5) We are utilizing the campus CDC 6000 system for 
data storage and retrieval.   We have developed inputting and 
retrieval software with the help of Mike Raines and we are currently 
developing data analysis programs including the use of the log-rank 
statistic in comparing the lifespans of different populations.   This 
statistic assumes homogeneity in life-tables between (or among) the 
populations and then tests the validity of this assumption by 
generating a Chi-squared statistic.   This software is written in 
Fortran and is available for use on request.