Worm Breeder's Gazette 4(1): 38

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Asymmetry and Movement of Sperm

G. Nelson, Y. Argon

Figure 1

Figure 2

When males are dissected in M9 buffer the sperm that are released 
are invariably spherical cells whose diameter is ~4 .  They have a 
prominent nucleus and often project long filamentous processes.
When dissected in a low ionic strength HEPES buffer supplemented 
with BSA, 5-15% of the cells are not round, but rather extend a single 
pseudopod, 1-3 cell diameters long.  These pseudopods change their 
shape and carry numerous small projections which appear to 
continuously move back towards the cell body, in a manner similar to 
ruffles on leukocytes, e.g.  [See Figure 1]
Pseudopods may attach to substrate, and well-attached cells 
translocate in the direction of the pseudopod.  The cells migrate at 
about 10 /min (compared to 100 /min for amoebae or l /min for 
fibroblasts), and may have intermittent periods of quiescence, or of 
'ruffling' and shape change without translocation.  We refer to the 
pseudopod as the anterior part and to the cell body as the posterior 
part of the sperm.
Two representative tracks are shown below.  Time is in minutes.
[See Figure 2]
The production of pseudopods is dependent on the low ionic strength 
of the medium.  TRIS can replace HEPES and 10mg/ml PVP can replace the 
1mg/ml protein in the medium.
The most important variable in pseudopod production is the mating 
activity of the males.  In virgin males the fraction of pseudopod-
bearing sperm is always low, but increases with age, except in UNC 
males, where the number of activated sperm is always low.  In mated 
males the fraction of pseudopod-bearing sperm increases up to 80% with 
time of mating (it plateaus after 2 hrs).  We routinely get ~50%.  
Hermaphrodites contribute little towards activating the sperm, as 
males mated to heat-killed hermaphrodites show the same level of sperm 
activation as those mated to live animals.  The genotype of the mated 
hermaphrodites has no effect.
Our working hypothesis is that, as in Ascaris, the male gonad (
probably the vas deferens) produces a sperm activating substance which 
may be released when the male engages in mating activity or in auto-
erotic or homosexual activity.  This activity is eliminated in 
paralyzed males.
Transmission EM of pseudopod-bearing sperm reveals a striking 
asymmetry in the distribution of organelles.  The nucleus, 
mitochondria and M.O.'s (=membranous organelles) are all contained 
within the posterior part of the cell, while the pseudopod contains no 
obvious substructure (in our present preparation procedure).
We have examined most of our fer mutants by light microscopy with 
timelapse recording and by scanning electron microscopy on parallel 
fer-1 sperm can be stimulated to make abortive pseudopods: they are 
very short but retain a 'ruffling' surface.  These pseudopods are 
barely visible in the light microscope.  The level of stimulation is 
the same at permissive temperature (in which the pseudopods have a 
normal shape) or restrictive temperature, and approximates wild-type 
stimulation.  Two alleles of this gene (hc1 and hc24) have essentially 
identical morphology.  However, some HC24 sperm are less stunted than 
HC1 sperm, which correlates with the greater leakiness of this allele.
fer-2 sperm are asymmetric - they are capable of extending one or a 
bundle of long spikes that are sometimes branched.  Other cells show 
elongation of the cell to a shape reminiscent of an incomplete 
pseudopod which is devoid of the 'ruffles'.
fer-3 sperm are indistinguishable from those of wild-type.
fer-4 sperm can form pseudopods, but the cells are immotile and the 
pseudopod membrane does not 'ruffle'.  SEM micrographs reveal 
elongated pseudopods with ragged profiles and smooth surfaces.  In 
addition, fer-4 sperm are variable in fer-5 and fer-6 sperm do not 
form structures which resemble normal pseudopods.  Many cells of each 
strain exhibit large cavities and collapsed membranes.  A few sperm 
have large spikes, some of which have protrusions reminiscent of 
pseudopod membranes, suggesting that these spikes are abnormal 
In summary, we have mutant strains each with a distinct sperm 
morphology which can be arranged in order of increasingly defective 
phenotype: fer-3<fer-1< -2<fer-5--fer-6.  All but 
the last two extend pseudopodial structures and the fraction of cells 
bearing these structures is increased at least five-fold by mating.  
Even fer-5 and fer-6 sperm have the potential to become asymmetrical.

Figure 1

Figure 2