Worm Breeder's Gazette 3(1): 13

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C. elegans Gonad Staining Methods

N. Mounier

In the meeting, some persons were interested by my stained gonads 
slides.  This technical note describes how I proceed to get them.
Fixative = sublimate acetic : 95 ml sublimate (dissolve 10 g of 
HgCl2 in 100 ml boiling water-let decant one night) and 5 ml acetic 
When dessication of dissected worms is completed, deposit a fixative 
drop on the frottis, then immerse the slide in sublimate acetic for 10 
mn.  Rinse in water and let one (or more) night in iodine-iodized 
alcohol (100 ml 70% ethanol, 2g I2, 4g KI).  Rinse in a 0.25 % sodium 
hyposulfite solution (5 mn), then in running water (10 mn).  Immerse 
in HCl for 12 mn in a 56 C water-bath, stop hydrolysis by a room 
temperature water rinse, immerse in Schiff reagent for 2 hours and 
rinse in running water (15 mn).  Stain finally by a fast passing over 
- 1% light green solution, rinse and dehydrate in 1 x 70, 1 x 95, 2 
x 100 alcohols, then 2 x Toluene and mount.
- picro indigo-carmine (0.25 g indigo-carmine in 100 ml of picric 
acid aqueous saturated solution).  Rinse directly in 100 ethanol (
I prefer use P.I.C.  to light green, because the green staining 
disappears from cytoplasm in 2 to 3 
ENTIRE WORMS (for sections)
Fixative = Zenker fluid - stock solution = HgCl2 : 5 g; K2Cr2O7 = 2.
5 g;
Na2SO4 = 1g; distilled water 100 ml - Before use, add 5 ml acetic 
Background staining = Heidenhain's blue - Dissolve in 100 ml hot 

0.5 g aniline blue and 2 g orange G - When cold, add 8 ml acetic 
acid - For use, dilute 2 or 3 times.
Worms are washed several times in saline water (NaCl 8%) then fixed 
by Zenker fluid for 1 hour.  Rinse alcohol, wash in 0.25 % sodium 
hyposulfite solution (15 mn), and in distilled water (2 x 15 mn).
Worms are double-embedded, in 1.3 % agar and in filtered paraffin, 
after 4 baths in paraffin (2 x 30 mn, 2 x I hour).  Do the Feulgen 
reaction as before on hydrated sections, then, rinse in distilled 
water, transfer the slides in 5 % phosphotungstic acid for 10 mn, 
rinse in distilled water, stain by Heidenhain's blue for 30 sec to 2 
mn (depending dye solution concentration).  Dehydrate directly in 95% 
ethanol, then toluene (twice) and mount.
Another background colorings can be use : light green or picro 
indigo carmine .