Worm Breeder's Gazette 2(2): 7b
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Using a number of approaches, we have identified 19 independent mutants with abnormal postembryonic cell lineages. These mutants can be grouped into the following categories. (1) Blocks in the ventral hypodermal divisions that generate the vulva (3 genes). (2) Proliferation of ventral hypodermal cells, leading to the formation of multiple 'pseudo-vulvae' (probably 3 genes). (3) Defects in numerous postembryonic cell lineages (4 genes). (4) Blocks in the migrations of the ventral cord precursor cells, which generate both the vulva and much of the ventral nervous system (2 genes). (5) Overproduction of deirid and postdeirid neurons (1 gene). (6) Generalized blocks in postembryonic cell divisions (2 genes).