Worm Breeder's Gazette 2(2): 12c

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Spermatogenesis Mutants of C. Elegans

L. Edgar

Preliminary characterization of fifteen male-rescuable ts steriles 
by Nomarski observation and Feulgen staining allows classification by 
several different criteria.  Hermaphrodites raised at the restrictive 
temperature (25 ) may have: 1) almost no sperm; 2) few sperm which 
appear abnormal under Nomarski and have uncondensed nuclei in Feulgen 
staining; 3) reduced numbers of normal-looking sperm, ranging from 
approximately 10% to 50% of wild-type sperm count, depending on the 
particular mutant; and 4) almost twice the wildtype sperm count (one 
In some mutants the unfertilized oocytes do not seem to continue to 
synthesize DNA as do N2 unfertilized oocytes, and retain pale discrete 
nuclei with Feulgen staining.  While some mutants lay unfertilized 
oocytes and others do not, this does not seem correlated with the type 
of oocyte produced.
tcrits generally coincide with the time of spermatogenesis, 20-50 
hours.  Fertile males have been found for several mutants; in others 
the males seem sterile even at 16 C.  For males of three mutants, the 
sperm defect is ts reversible.  Males raised at 25 C begin to produce 
cross progeny about 20-24 hours after being mated at 16 C.  A fourth 
mutant, one of the abnormal sperm producers, is not reversible.