Worm Breeder's Gazette 2(1): 12

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Studies on Development by the Gottingen C. elegans Group (CGE)

R. Cassada, T. Cole, U. Deppe, C. Krieg, E. Schierenberg, D. Schmidt, B. Yoder and G. von Ehrenstein

We are continuing our study on the development of C.  elegans, 
concentration on embryogenesis.  Cell lineage on living eggs has been 
followed past the 170-cell stage, using Nomarski optics and recordings 
on video tape.  Selected cell types have been followed further, 
including the gut cells taking advantage of their large size and 
characteristic autofluorescence.
We were able to identify cells uniquely by recording cell division, 
position of nuclei and cell size.  Mitoses proceed in waves from 
anterior to posterior.  From the 16-cell stage onwards groups of cells 
are clearly distinguishable.  The members of each group form a clone.  
Again, these groups of cells divide largly sequentially from anterior 
to posterior.  Within each group, cell division is essentially 
synchronous.  Every complete wave starts with division of the AB 
descendants (classically designated Ectoderm), strictly alternating 
with the mitoses of the P1 descendants (classically called EMST, C and 
D).  After four rounds of cell division a new cycle is initiated 
before the previous one has been completed.  The length of the cell 
cycle in early cleavage is 15 to 20 minutes (at 22 C).  The cycle 
lengthens gradually to 30 to 40 minutes at the 170-cell stage.  We did 
not observe any cell death in the stages investigated.  A 
coeloblastula with 2-3 very small cavities has been formed at the 24-
cell stage.  Cleavage and the formation of the three germ layers are 
not clearly separated in time.  Gastrulation starts after the 24-cell 
stage when the two precursor cells of the endoderm begin to slide into 
the center.  This movement is complete at the 51-cell stage.  This 
type of gastrulation, known as morula delamination, is different from 
the types of gastrulation so far known in nematodes, as listed in 
Chitwood.  Morula delamination also occurs in some Cnidaria (Clava 
Laomedea etc.) and also in some insects (e.g.  some Collembola).  
Between the 24- and the 170-cell stage, bilateral symmetry as has been 
described for Ascaris is not apparent.  In the fertilized egg the male 
and the female pronuclei meet in that part of the egg which at the 2-
cell stage becomes the smaller P1-cell (situated at the posterior end).
This allows early assignment of the anterior-posterior axis of the 
egg.  The dorso-ventral assignment is possible at this stage by the 
asymmetry of the membrane of the first cell division.  This membrane 
begins to form dorsally and the final hole in this 'asymmetric iris' 
closes well in the ventral part of the egg.
So far 14 eggs in various stages have been serially sectioned for EM 
and are being reconstructed by hand or by computer for correlation 
with and extension of the Nomarski results.  The fixation-embedding 
procedure works on all stages of embryogenesis, including prehatching.
Computer capabilities have been increased this year by major 
hardware additions and by the installation of a new operating system (
RSX).  Special attention is being given to computer-aided 
reconstruction of the embryo from EM series, from video film of light 
microscopic data, and to the correlation of the EM and LM data.  Major 
enhancement in computer capabilities are in process along two lines.  
On the one hand the mechanical details associated with the recording 
process will be made as simple as possible for the user.  On the other 
hand the analysis of the data involving abstraction and simplification 
will become much more efficient by organizing and storing the data in 
a 'tree-structured' data base.  This will facilitate study not only of 
the cellular anatomy but also of subcellular structures.  For example, 
we have begun to analyze the distribution of mitochondria in eggs and 
early cleavage stages.  One ultimate goal is to display the important 
events in embryogenesis in a highly schematized movie on the screen of 
the graphics display.
Some 10,000 EMS mutagenized clones have been tested for temperature 
sensitive mutants by methods similar to those of Hirsh and Vanderslice 
(1976), except that about half of the clones came from mutagenized 
hatchees.  Over 100 ts mutants have been selected (designated ts G1, 
ts G2 etc.  according to David Hirsh's nomenclature proposal, where G 
denotes Gottingen), including some 20% embryological arrest.  Our 
first interest in these mutants is microscopic characterization.  Dr.  
Johji Miwa joined the group at the end of the summer.