Worm Breeder's Gazette 16(2): 35

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Maternal UNC-45 may have a role in early embryos independent of muscle function

Wanyuan Ao, Dave Pilgrim

Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

The unc-45 gene was one of the first ever reported in worms (Epstein and Thomson, 1974) yet we still do not have a satisfactory explanation of its role in development. Missense alleles at the locus show a temperature-sensitive disorganization of muscle thick filament structure, while nonsense alleles are lethal, with varying maternal effects. unc-45 reporter constructs show zygotic expression which is exclusive to muscle cells, and antibodies against the protein show a co-localization with MHC B, but not MHC A, in thick filaments. The phenotype of unc-45 (ts) alleles can be suppressed if all MHC B is removed, and MHC A overexpressed, as unc-45(ts);unc-54(0);myo-3(sup-3) animals are almost normal. This would suggest that the function of UNC-45 is restricted to some sort of MHC B-specific interaction.

However, UNC-45 must be playing another role in embryonic development, since the phenotype of strong unc-45 alleles (or unc-45 RNAi animals) is 'pat' (paralyzed and arrested at two-fold stage), while null alleles of unc-54 (encoding for MHC B) are viable. Further, myo-3(sup-3) cannot suppress the lethality of strong unc-45 alleles.

We consistently detect strong UNC-45 staining in eggs and early embryos, which is relatively uniform throughout the embryo, and diminishes over time. At the comma stage, UNC-45 staining strengthens in the muscle cells, and we believe this represents the zygotic expression. In early embryos, there is a definite concentration of UNC-45 staining at the cleavage furrow. Another protein that shows the same behavior is the non-muscle myosin NMY-2 (Guo and Kemphues, 1996), and we have detected nmy-2 cDNA using UNC-45 as a bait in the yeast two-hybrid system. The staining pattern of the two proteins overlaps, and the localized staining of UNC-45 at the cleavage furrow of two-cell embryos is disrupted in embryos from mothers treated with nmy-2 RNAi. We have not been able to demonstrate the reciprocal disruption.

UNC-45 shows similarity to several fungal proteins in a C-terminal domain. The S. cerevisiae homologue is SHE4p, which is thought to interact with a non-muscle myosin in the asymmetric distribution of cytoplasmic material between mother and daughter cells during mating type switching. We have no evidence that UNC-45 plays a functional role in embryos outside of muscle development, but we are open to suggestions about how to test this.