Worm Breeder's Gazette 15(2): 3b (February 1, 1998)

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Postdoctoral Position/UCSF

Steve McIntire

Department of Neurology and Program in Neuroscience (PIBS), UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94110

A postdoctoral position is available in a new lab at UCSF.  We are
studying mechanisms of neurotransmitter packaging.  Funding is
available for three years.  If you are interested, please send a CV,
list of publications, preprints of papers in preparation or in press,
and the names and addresses of three people who can provide
recommendations to:

     Dr. Steve McIntire
     Department of Neurology and Program in Neuroscience (PIBS)
     Gallo Center
     University of California, San Francisco
     Bldg. 1, Rm. 101, 1001 Potrero Avenue
     San Francisco, CA  94110

     FAX: 415-648-7116

     e-mail: slm@itsa.ucsf.edu