Worm Breeder's Gazette 15(1): 56 (October 1, 1997)

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sup-17 encodes an ADAM protein related to Drosophila kuzbanian

Chenhui Wen1, Mark M. Metzstein2, Iva Greenwald1

1 HHMI/Biochemistry, Columbia University, 701 West 168th Street, Room 720, NY, NY 10032
2 Dept. of Biology, MIT 68-411, Cambridge, MA 02139

        Previous genetic analysis established that sup-17 facilitates
lin-12 signalling (Tax et al., Genetics, in press).  With the
invaluable assistance of the genome project, we have cloned sup-17 and
shown that the predicted SUP-17 protein is a member of the ADAM family
of proteases (see Wolfsberg and White, Devel. Biol. 180, 389-401,
1996); in particular, SUP-17 is very similar to Drosophila kuzbanian
(KUZ), which functions in Drosophila and vertebrate neurogenesis (Rooke
et al., Science 273, 1227-1231, 1996; Pan and Rubin, Cell 90, 271-280,
1997) (see Figure).

        We have extended the genetic studies of Tax et al. (1997) by
showing that sup-17 does not act downstream of lin-12.  Reduction or
elimination of sup-17 activity suppresses the effects of lin-12(d)
mutations (see Tax et al., 1997), an allelic series of hypermorphs that
result from point mutations in the extracellular domain.  In contrast,
we have found that reducing sup-17 activity cannot suppress mutant
phenotypes associated with lin-12(intra).  The lin-12(intra)  transgene
expresses the intact intracellular domain under the control of lin-12
regulatory sequences and behaves like a constitutively active receptor.
It is incompletely penetrant for its effects on the AC/VU decision and
VPC specification, and hence does not elevate lin-12 activity as much
as the stronger lin-12(d) alleles.  Furthermore, we have found that
sup-17 can enhance the AC/VU decision defect of a partial
loss-of-function lin-12 allele, implying that it does not
require a lin-12(d) lesion to influence lin-12 activity.  Since sup-17
can suppress lin-12(d) mutations but cannot suppress lin-12(intra), we
can infer that sup-17 does not act downstream of the activated

        We have also found that the interaction between sup-17!and
lin-12 occurs within the same cell. By using a laser microbeam to
isolate Z1.ppp or a vulval precursor cell from its normal source of
signal, we showed that sup-17 mutations reduce the cell intrinsic level
of constitutive lin-12 activity in lin-12(d) mutants.  This result
suggests that sup-17 acts cell autonomously and that its action is not
dependent on ligand-binding.

        The genetic analysis of the relationship between sup-17 and
lin-12 in C. elegans complements and extends the results from genetic
studies of the relationship between the Drosophila kuz  and Notch genes
(Pan and Rubin, 1997).  SUP-17/KUZ may function in the proteolysis of
LIN-12/NOTCH proteins.  There is evidence for a cleavage event in the
extracellular domain of C. elegans, Drosophila, and human NOTCH
proteins (Christensen et al., Development 122, 1373-1383, 1994;
Blaumueller et al., Cell 90, 281-291, 1997; Pan and Rubin, 1997).
Furthermore,  KUZ is required in vivo for the proteolytic processing of
NOTCH into two fragments consistent with a cleavage event in the
extracellular domain (Pan and Rubin, 1997).  Further work in several
systems will be directed towards understanding how proteolysis
influences LIN-12/Notch activity.

        Special thanks to Frans Tax, Jim Thomas, Chip Ferguson and Bob