Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(4): 30 (October 1, 1996)

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Stewed Q's - Delayed Hatching and Q Cell Migration

Lee Honigberg, Steve Salser, Cynthia Kenyon

Dept. of Biochemistry, UC San Francisco, San Francisco CA 94143-0554

Shortly after hatching the Q neuroblasts begin their migrations. QL and its descendants migrate posteriorly, while QR and its descendants migrate anteriorly. Hedgecock et al found that hch-1 mutants have delayed hatching as well as Q cell migration defects (Development 100:365-382) and Hishida et al have reported that hch-1 encodes a Zn++ protease (WBG 14(2):47). There are two models to explain the Hch-1 phenotype: 1) the hch-1 protease could be acting both to allow escape from the eggshell and to allow the Q cells to migrate correctly on their substrate or 2) hch-1 could be just required for timely hatching, and the Q defect could be an indirect result of the delay in hatching. If the Q phenotype is indirect, then artificially liberating hch-1 animals before they have had time to stew in their own juices should restore normal Q migration. To generate a roughly staged population of eggs, we allowed N2 and hch-1(e1907) adults to lay eggs for 1 hour on seeded plates. After 9.5 hr (20 deg. C), ~5% of the N2 eggs had hatched and most N2 and hch-1 eggs had reached the pretzel stage. We washed these eggs off the plate with egg salt solution, treated them with 0.4% bleach for 1 min, rinsed with egg salts, added 20 mg/ml chitinase + 20 mg/ml chymotrypsin for 3 min, and then rinsed 3 times with egg salts (a slight modification of Lois Edgar's technique in the Methods Book). These liberated hatchlings were allowed to mature overnight on seeded plates. In untreated hch-1 animals, 51% of the QL descendants incorrectly migrated anteriorly (n=54), but in the artificially hatched hch-1 mutants, only 8% of QL descendants migrated anteriorly (n=53). Artificial hatching did not affect the Q migrations in N2 (n=26). Thus it seems likely that the Hch-1 Q phenotype is a secondary defect resulting from the delay in hatching.

The results of the converse experiment, in which hatching is artificially delayed in wild-type worms, have been stewing in our lab for several years. We found that placing N2 eggs in 0.4M NaCl for 12 hr blocked hatching in ~80% of eggs. When these delayed eggs were allowed to hatch and mature on seeded plates, 14% of the QL descendants migrated in the wrong direction, toward the anterior (n=21). The QR descendants were also mispositioned, with 26% remaining in the posterior (n=23). [hch-1(e1907) does not have a QR migration defect at 20 deg. C (n=50). e1907 may cause QR defects at 25 deg. C, but these animals are too sick to score reliably.]

Anecdotal observations suggest that starvation in early L1 can cause Q migration defects, but it remains possible that something else about the environment within the unopened egg shell (not just the lack of food) contributes to the Q cell phenotype in hatching-delayed animals.