Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(3): 57 (June 1, 1996)

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The unc-14 gene is expressed in neurons with a pattern similar to that of the unc-51 gene.

Ken-ichi Ogura1, Megumi Shirakawa1, Tom Barnes2, Siegfried Hekimi2, Yasumi Ohshima1

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-81, Japan
2 Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal H3A 1B1, PQ Canada

    The unc-51 gene is required for axonal elongation in C. elegans and
encodes a predicted serine / threonine kinase of 856 amino acids ( Ogura
et al., Genes Dev. 8, 2389-2400, 1994 ). Recently, we obtained 16 cDNA
clones whose products can interact with UNC-51 in a yeast two-hybrid
system.  One of them was an unc-51 C-terminal cDNA, and four others
encoding a novel protein of 665 amino acids possibly corresponded to the
unc-14 gene ( WBG, 14,  No.1, 51, 1995 ) 
      We have now extensively examined the ability of various cosmids
and their subfragments to rescue unc-14(e57)  mutation. The results
revealed that the rescuing activity resides in the 5.2kb Hind III - Sal
I  fragment that encodes the N-terminal half of the novel protein.
Furthermore,  the mutation sites of  the six unc-14  mutants were
determined, and all of them were found to have  nonsense mutations  near
the N-terminus of the protein.  All these  mutations are located  in the
5.2 kb Hind III -  Sal I fragment. Therefore,  we conclude that this
novel protein is UNC-14.  The C-terminal half of the protein does not
seem to be required for the rescue of an unc-14 mutation. The genomic
sequence analysis revealed that  the unc-14  gene has  ten exons. 
    To analyze the expression pattern of unc-14,  we constructed an
unc-14::lacZ  fusion gene which was capable of rescuing unc-14(e57).
This  fusion gene is expressed in almost all neurons at all stages, 
especially in cell bodies and axons.  The expression pattern is  very 
similar to that of an unc-51::lac Z  fusion gene, suggesting that 
UNC-14 directly interacts with UNC-51 in  neurons,  possibly in   axons.
We are also examining the expression of an unc-14::GFP fusion. 
    Does UNC-14  interact with UNC-51 as  a substrate or a regulator ?
To examine  these possibilities,  the interacting sites were analyzed 
by using a yeast two-hybrid system.  A region near the  N-terminus  of
UNC-14 ( amino acid residues 200 - 381 ) interacts with a  C-terminal
region of UNC-51  ( 455  - 856,  outside of the kinase domain ) in the
two-hybrid system. The same C-terminal region of UNC-51 interacts with
itself.  We think that UNC-51 acts as  a homodimer and that UNC-14 is a
regulator of UNC-51 kinase.  We plan to examine the direct  interactions
between  UNC-14 and UNC-51, or UNC-51 and UNC-51 by using recombinant
proteins produced by E. coli., and the effect of an unc-51  mutation for
the binding.