Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(3): 51 (June 1, 1996)

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ceh-22 and pha-1 mutations have synergistic effects on pharyngeal muscle gene expression.

Peter Okkema1, David Moons1, Andrew Fire2

1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
2 Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington

        Pharyngeal muscle gene expression is activated by a combination
of cell type- and organ-specific signals (1).  In the myo-2 enhancer
these distinct developmental pathways cooperate to activate
transcription through discrete pharyngeal muscle-specific and
organ-specific sub-elements which we refer to as B and C, respectively. 
        The gene ceh-22 appears to be a key component of the pharyngeal
muscle-specific pathway for activating gene expression (1). CEH-22
protein binds a site essential for B sub-element function and ectopic
ceh-22 expression can activate expression of the endogenous myo-2 gene
(1,2).  We have previously described the mutant ceh-22(cc8266) that
results in a partially penetrant L1 arrest phenotype (2).  Although
these mutants have pharyngeal muscle defects, expression of both myo-2
and an antigen recognized by MAb 3NB12 appear normal.  We do not know if
ceh-22(cc8266) is a null allele.  
        The pha-1 gene is also required for normal differentiation of
pharyngeal muscle, as well as differentiation of all other pharyngeal
cell types (3).  This organ-specific phenotype suggests pha-1 could
function in parallel to ceh-22 as a direct activator of gene expression
via the C sub-element.  To explore the relationship between pha-1 and
ceh-22 we have:  1) examined ceh-22 expression in a pha-1 mutant;  2)
characterized pharyngeal muscle differentiation in a pha-1; ceh-22
double mutant; and 3) examined transcriptional activity of the C
sub-element in a pha-1 mutant.   The results of these experiments
suggest that ceh-22 and pha-1 affect related processes required for
pharyngeal muscle differentiation, but it is unlikely that pha-1
functions directly through C.  

ceh-22 is expressed normally in pha-1 mutant embryos:  pha-1(e2123ts)
animals raised at the non-permissive temperature (25C) were stained with
anti-CEH-22 antibodies.  In these mutants, both the temporal and spatial
pattern of CEH-22 expression appeared normal indicating that pha-1 is
not required upstream to activate ceh-22 expression.

Synthetic interactions between ceh-22 and pha-1 mutations:  The
pharyngeal muscles of pha-1 null mutants and pha-1(e2123ts) mutants
grown at 25! stain very well with the antibody 3NB123.  Likewise,
ceh-22(cc8266) mutants stain normally with this antibody.  In contrast,
pha-1(e2123ts); ceh-22(cc8266) double mutants raised at 25C show almost
no 3NB12 staining.  myo-2 expression also appears to be reduced in
pha-1(e2123ts); ceh-22(cc8266) at 25C, however this reduction has been
more difficult to characterize because myo-2 expression is already
partially inhibited in the pha-1 single mutant.  A similar synthetic
interaction is also observed at the permissive temperature where
pha-1(e2123ts) enhances the lethal phenotype of ceh-22(cc8266).  This
synergism between mutations in pha-1 and ceh-22 indicates the functions
of these genes are closely related.   

pha-1 is not required for C sub-element function:  To test whether the C
sub-element requires wild-type pha-1, we assayed function of an enhancer
consisting of four copies of C in wild type animals and in
pha-1(e2123ts) grown at the non-permissive temperature.  This enhancer
activates expression of a linked lacZ reporter in pharyngeal muscle and
non-muscle cells in both wild-type and pha-1 mutants.  Thus, C
sub-element function does not depend on wild-type pha-1.  

1 Okkema, P.G. and A. Fire (1994) Development 120, 2175-2186.
2 Okkema et al., (1994) WBG 13 #4, pg. 90.  
3 Schnabel, H. and R. Schnabel (1990) Science 250, 686-688.