Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(3): 46 (June 1, 1996)

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Boaz Gillo, Millet Treinin

Department of Physiology, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, P.O.B 12272, 91120 Jerusalem, Israel.

    DEG-3 is an acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit that can mutate to
cause neuronal degeneration. Molecular and pharmacological analysis
suggest that deregulation of channel activity is the cause of the
deg-3(u662)  induced neuronal degeneration. However a more precise
understanding of the degeneration causing changes requires
electrophysiological analysis. As expression of deg-3  cDNA in Xenopus 
oocytes did not produce acetylcholine gated currents, additional
subunits are probably needed for channel activity (1). 
    Candidates for DEG-3 channel subunits where identified from genetic
and molecular analysis. Extragenic suppressors of the deg-3(u662) 
mutation may code for additional subunits. Another candidate was
obtained from molecular analysis; deg-3  message is trans-spliced to
SL2,  suggesting that it is part of a polycistronic transcription unit
(2). Indeed sequencing upstream of  deg-3  led us to a nearby gene also
encoding for an acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit (3).
     The presence of two acetylcholine receptor subunits in the same
cells, a finding supported by expression analysis, suggested that these
two subunits may interact in forming a channel.  Support for this
proposal comes from electrophysiology in Xenopus  oocytes. Expression of
both genes produced acetylcholine dependent currents, while alone
neither produce any detectable currents. Thus we have demonstrated a
functional interaction between the two components of the deg-3  operon.
This also provides us with a tool needed for the characterization of the
normal and mutant DEG-3 channel.

1. Treinin and Chalfie (1995). Neuron 14, 871-877.
2. Spieth et al. (1993). Cell  73, 521-532.
3. Garcia-Anoveros et al. (1995) International C. elegans Meeting 75.