Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(3): 35 (June 1, 1996)

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TGF-B Superfamily Signaling in C. elegans

Srikant Krishna, Richard W. Padgett

Waksman Institute, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08855

     Previous work examining the transduction of TGF-B superfamily signal
at the level of the membrane has resulted in the formulation of a general
model by which this may occur. Transmembrane receptors which interact
specifically with TGF-B superfamily ligands have been isolated and have
been demonstrated to be required for proper transduction in several
organisms. A subset of these receptors contain a serine-threonine kinase
domain, and can be categorized into two classes, type I and type II, which
differ considerably with each other in their non-kinase regions. It is
thought that the mature protease-cleaved dimeric ligand interacts with
appropriate type II receptors followed by the formation of an oligomeric
complex with specified type I receptors. This complex then conceivably
transduces the appropriate signal to downstream molecules, eventually
resulting in intracellular changes and/or altered expression patterns of
specific gene targets.  

     In the worm, the dauer and small pathways are examples of mechanisms
controlled by TGF-B like ligands. In the dauering pathway, the products of
daf-l, daf-4 are receptors and serve to transduce the signal.
Additionally, the dwarfins comprise a group of genes which encode products
that have been implicated in the TGF-B transduction pathway in the
nematode (Savage et al., PNAS 1996; Savage et al., WBG 1995) and in
Drosophila (Sekelsky et al., Genetics 139: 1347-1358, 1995) . In the worm,
the sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4 genes are dwarfins that have been
characterized by our group. The mutant phenotypes of these genes are a
subset of those exhibited by daf-4. However, the sma phenotypes are not
observed in other dauer mutants. Thus, daf-4 intersects the dauering and
small pathways. Since daf-l does not exhibit the small phenotype, we
hypothesized that there should be another type I receptor transducing a
TGF-B-like signal to the sma gene products, that when mutated, results in
small animals.  

     Using molecular tools, we had identified tre-1 as a novel type I
receptor in C. elegans. tre-1 demonstrates a large degree of homology with
other type I receptors, particularly the thickveins gene in Drosophila.
Searches of extant mutations in the region of tre-1 indicated that sma-6
was nearby. Given that four genes mutate to a small phenotype, other genes
in the pathway may also yield the same phenotype. Based on these data, the
possibility was raised that sma-6 may encode tre-1. Germline
transformation experiments confirmed this hypothesis, whereby a 9kb
genomic fragment containing the tre-1 gene and flanking regions extending
into, but not encompassing, adjacent predicted transcripts was sufficient
to rescue sma-6 mutants and revert F1 transformed progeny to wild-type
length. We are currently continuing to characterize the expression of
tre-1 and analyze interactions with other components of the small pathway.
In addition, we have isolated superfamily ligands in the worm, including
tig-1, tig-2, and tig-3 (Krishna, WBG, 1995). We are seeking mutations in
the respective regions, and we are continuing to characterize these genes.

     These results help us to define the specificity of TGF-B signaling
by demonstrating that different type I receptors are able to elicit
varying biological responses. Furthermore, we have completed a large
genetic screen in order to identify other mutations that yield small
animals. Our results with sma-6 validate this screen, and we hope to
isolate other novel components of the pathway. Based on these results, we
are also examining sma-5 and sma-8 for potential participation in the
signaling pathway.