Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(2): 64 (February 1, 1996)

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Genetic interactions between sli-1 and let-60 ras.

Charles H. Yoon, Paul W. Sternberg.

HHMI and Division of Biology, 156-29, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125

sli-1 is a negative regulator of let-23-mediated vulval induction and
encodes a protein similar to the mammalian proto-oncoprotein c-Cbl (1). 
Reduction-of-function (rf) mutations in sli-1 suppress the vulvaless (Vul)
phenotype associated with severe reduction-of-function, but not null,
mutations of let-23 (2).  let-60 ras acts downstream in the signal
transduction process initiated by LET-23.  Initial studies have shown that
sli-1 has only a weak suppression of the slight Vul phenotype associated
with the let-60(rf) mutation, n2021 (2).  We have furthered this study to
more exactly determine how sli-1 interacts with let-60.
We used four severe let-60(rf) alleles defined by Beitel et al.(3): n1876,
n2022, n2034, n2035.  Animals bearing any of these four let-60(rf) alleles
display partial lethality as segregants from heterozygous mothers. 
Lethality is essentially 100 % for F2 homozygotes of these four alleles,
indicating that the partial penetrance of lethality in F1 homozygotes is
due to maternal rescue from the let-60(+) wild-type copy in the
heterozygous mothers.  We scored vulval induction in F1 homozygotes of
these four let-60(rf) alleles in sli-1(+) and sli-1(rf) backgrounds.  We
used the sli-1(rf) reference allele, sy143.  We find that sli-1(sy143)
does not suppress the Vul phenotype associated with severe let-60(rf)
mutations.  For example, n2035 is suppressed from 0.016 induced
VPCs/animal (n=62) in a sli-1(+) background to 0.034 induced VPCs/animal
(n=87) in a sli-1(sy143) background.
We tested whether sli-1 had any effect on the penetrance of lethality in
F1 homozygotes of the four let-60(rf) alleles coming from
unc-24(e138)let-60(rf)/dpy-20(e1282) heterozygous mothers in both sli-1(+)
and sli-1(sy143) backgrounds.  We find that sli-1(sy143) strongly
suppresses the lethality associated with the F1 homozygotes of the four
let-60(rf) alleles, n1876, n2022, n2034, and n2035.  For example,
sli-1(sy143) increased the survival of F1 n2035 homozygotes to 86 % from
the 20 % F1 survival in a sli-1(+) background.  However, lethality is
still 100 % for F2 homozygotes in a sli-1(sy143) background.  This
indicates that sli-1's suppression of F1 homozygote lethality is an
enhancement of the maternal rescue by the wild-type copy of let-60 in the
heterozygous mothers and that sli-1 does not suppress the lethality
associated with severe let-60(rf) alleles.  This is in contrast to sli-1's
strong suppression of lethality associated with severe let-23(rf)
mutations (2).
Since sli-1 does not suppress null alleles of let-23, we generated a
series of hetero-allelic let-60(rf) animals and scored for vulval
induction in F1 to test whether the four let-60(rf) alleles tested above
were in fact null alleles.  We find that n1876, n2022, and n2035 are
non-null for vulval induction.  For example, n2035/n2021 hetero-allelic F1
animals have 1.6 induced VPCs/animal whereas sy127/n2021 animals have 0.8
induced VPCs/animal and sDf8/n2021 animals have 0.6 induced VPCs/animal. 
sy127 is a putative null allele of let-60 and sDf8 is a deficiency which
uncovers let-60.
In summary, our results indicate that sli-1(rf) mutations do not suppress
the Vul phenotype of severe, non-null let-60(rf) mutations and therefore
suggests that, in vulval induction, SLI-1's target of action lies upstream
of LET-60.

1.  Yoon, C. H., Lee, J., Jongeward, G. D. and Sternberg, P. W.  (1995) 
Science  269: 1102-1105.
2.  Jongeward, G. D., Clandinin, T. R. and Sternberg, P. W.  (1995) 
Genetics  139: 1553-1566.
3.  Beitel, G. J., Clark, S. G. and Horvitz, H. R.  (1990)  Nature  348: