Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(2): 4 (February 1, 1996)

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

1996 European Worm Meeting

Michel Labouesse

As announced on the net, the next European Worm Meeting will be held near Strasbourg, France, in the Mont Saint Odile monastery, May 16- May 19 1996.

We invite each attendee to send a Registration form before the
following deadline: March 18 1996 as we need to know 2 months in
advance how many participants will attend the Meeting. An information
package will next be sent to labs or individuals at the beggining of April
1996 based on those who will have registered by March 18. Registration,
food, room and board costs are estimated to be approximately 1100FF (or
less if we receive financial support from the EEC as requested). Abstracts
will have to be submitted by April 22 1996.

The organizers: Thierry Bogaert, Adriana La Volpe, Michel Labouesse,
Ronald Plasterk, Ralf Schnabel.

Please send registrations with


by regular mail, e-mail or fax to
Michel Labouesse
BP 163
67404 Illkirch Cedex, France
Fax: (33) 88 65 32 01         e-mail lmichel@lgme.u-strasbg.fr