Worm Breeder's Gazette 14(1): 41 (October 1, 1995)

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Effects of Conus venoms on the pharynx

Leon Avery

(leon@eatworms.swmed.edu) Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235-9038

Cone snails are predatory snails. They harpoon their prey, which may be small fish, marine worms, or other snails, then inject a paralyzing venom through the hollow harpoon (Olivera et al, Science 249: 257). The venom is a complex mixture of tiny peptide toxins, different in each species. Several of these toxins have been shown to act on cell-surface molecules important for nervous system function such as the N-type Ca++ channel or the voltage-gated Na+ channel (Gray et al, Ann Rev Biochem 57: 665).

I have been testing Conus venoms (donated by Baldomero Olivera) on the pharynx. Pharynxes are dissected into 200 µl saline solution and an EPG recorded. After 1 min crude venom is added to the solution. Most of the venoms were tested on wild-type pharynxes in saline, wild-type pharynxes in the presence of 1 µM serotonin, and eat-18 mutant pharynxes in the presence of 1 µM serotonin. eat-18 is necessary for the action of the putative pacemaker neuron MC on pharyngeal muscle. Serotonin speeds up pumping by activating MC and pharyngeal muscle. So far I have tested venoms from six species: C caracteristicus, C geographus, C imperialis, C magus, C marmoreus, and C textile. All venoms cause pumping to slow down or stop, usually temporarily. Four venoms produce specific effects in addition to this general inhibition.

The effects of C caracteristicus venom are consistent with a block of all pharyngeal nervous system activity. Unfortunately, very high concentrations (2.4 mg/ml nominal) are required for this effect, so I have not investigated it carefully.

C magus venom consistently makes muscle contractions feeble (0.45 mg/ml nominal), and at high concentration (4.5 mg/ml nominal) paralyzes muscle motion. In addition, the muscle action potentials often become long-lasting. C geographus has similar but weaker effects. Joe Dent has shown that both these effects can be produced by lowering the Ca++ concentration or adding Ca++ channel blockers (WBG 13(1): 44), and C magus and C geographus venoms are known to contain omega-conotoxins, which block voltage-gated Ca++ channels (Gray et al, Ann Rev Biochem 57: 665). Therefore I suspect these effects are caused by a muscle Ca++ channel block. There is no striking decrease in MC or M3 transmission, so the effect may be specific to the muscle Ca++ channel. In vertebrates, in contrast, omega-conotoxins specifically block neuronal Ca++ channels.

C imperialis venom has the most interesting effect: it stimulates rapid pumping. It probably acts by (directly or indirectly) stimulating MC, since it has little or no effect on eat-18 mutant pharynxes, and the rapid pumping has the electrophysiological signatures of MC activity. The figure is a recording from a wild-type pharynx without serotonin. In the minute before addition of venom there were three brief bursts of pumping. The addition of 0.45 mg/ml C imperialis venom at 1 min can be seen as a burst of noise. After a delay (perhaps because of the general inhibitory effect all the venoms have), the pharynx began to pump at a rate of 4-5 Hz. In other pharynxes this stimulation has been seen to last at least 9 min.