Worm Breeder's Gazette 13(5): 60 (February 1, 1995)

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daf-12 is a Heterochronic Gene Acting During L2 and L3 Larval Stages

Adam Antebi and Ed Hedgecock

Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biology, 3400 North Charles 
Street, Baltimore, MD  21218.

daf-12 is a nuclear hormone receptor (D. Riddle, P. Larsen, W.H. Yeh,
p.c.)  required for both continuous and dauer development. daf-12 alleles
can be  grouped into six classes on the basis of  their hypodermal (e.g.,
Lin),  gonadal (e.g., Mig) and dauer-related phenotypes (e.g., Daf-d, Daf-
c).     Recently, we have focused on two questions:  (1) When is daf-12
activity  required? (2) What is its relation to known heterochronic genes? 

Time of Daf-12 Action:  At least three phenotypes  are expressed by the L2 
molt. At the L2 molt, the male linker cell fails to reflex dorsally (Mig-
lc  phenotype).  Similarly, the hypodermal seam cells repeat their
previous  division pattern at the L2 molt (Lin-L2 phenotype). Finally,
dauer  morphogenesis fails at the L2 molt in some alleles (Daf-d
phenotype). This  suggests that daf-12(+) transcription is required
earlier, either before or  during the L2 intermolt,  to regulate target
genes by the L2 molt. 
      Preliminary experiments with a heat-sensitive allele (rh193hs) are 
consistent with a requirement for daf-12 by the L2 molt. This allele, 
which is non-Daf at all temperatures, has heat-sensitive Lin and Mig 
phenotypes. Temperature shift experiments show that the TSP for the Lin 
phenotype is during L2. Moreover, late larval defects in the hypodermis 
(e.g., failure of L/A switch) appear to be indirect, since daf-12(+)
activity  before the L2 molt is sufficient to suppress these Lin-L4
phenotypes. The  daf-12(+) activity is need during the L3 stage for
migration of the distal  tip cells of hermaphrodites (Mig-dtc phenotype).
      Our current hypothesis is that daf-12(+)  is required by the L2 
intermolt to advance L3 programs of gonadogenesis and hypodermal fates 
during continous development.  Under dauer-inducing conditions, daf-12(+) 
promotes dauer formation in diverse tissues.  
Interaction with Heterochronic Mutants:  To elucidate the role of daf-12 
in temporal control, we are examining genetic interactions with known 
heterochronic genes. We have adapted the model from Ambros and Moss 
(1994), to include daf-12  (see Figure 1) based on epistasis experiments 
summarized below.  The crux of this model is that  LIN-14 and perhaps 
LIN-28  repress daf-12(+) activity.
      We have looked at double mutants of daf-12(rh61 lof) and loss of 
function alleles of  lin-14  and lin-28,  which cause precocious 
development,  and also with lin-4 and lin-29, which cause delayed 
development (Ambros and Horvitz, (1984) Science 226, 409; Chalfie et al. 
(1981) Cell 24, 59).   In the gonad, the Mig phenotype of daf-12  is 
epistatic to these heterochronic mutants in all cases. Thus daf-12 
controls temporal identity in both gonadal and non-gonadal tissues, 
whereas the other heterochronic genes affect primarily non-gonadal fates. 
      In the hypodermis, daf-12  appears to act downstream of lin-14 , but 
upstream of lin-28 and lin-29.   In daf-12(rh61) lin-14(ma135) double 
mutants, daf-12(rh61)  suppresses lin-14(ma135)- induced precocious 
expression of L3 fates and precocious larval-to-adult (L/A) switch.  
Evidently, lin-14(+)  acts through daf-12(+)  to determine the time of L3 
and later fates.  Also lin-4(e912), whose wildtype activity downregulates 
lin-14, is epistatic to daf-12.  lin-4(e912) retarded phenotypes (e.g. 
complete failure of the L/A switch and vulval morphogenesis)  are
epistatic to daf-12(rh61)  (incomplete L/A switch), daf-12(rh62)   (non-
Lin, Daf-c allele), and strains harboring an extrachromosomal array  of
       daf-12(rh61) lin-28(n719) animals express lin-28  precocious 
phenotypes, i.e., vulval morphogenesis during L2 and L/A switch during L3. 
This argues that lin-28(+)  acts either downstream or functions 
independently of daf-12(+). Finally, in daf-12 lin-29(n333) double 
mutants, seam cells completely fail to undergo the L/A switch (i.e. lin-29 
phenotype). Thus lin-29, the ultimate regulator of the L/A switch (Ambros 
(1989) Cell 57, 49), is epistatic to daf-12.

Figure 1. Heterochronic Model (adapted from Ambros and Moss, (1994) TIGS 
10: 123, and references therein)  LIN-14 activity consists of two 
components defined by genetically separable phenotypes.  LIN-14a  activity
promotes L1 fates, and perhaps inhibits L2 programs.  LIN-14b  together
with LIN-28 permit L2 programs, and prevent precocious  expression of L3
fates.  LIN-28 may independently repress precocious  expression of LIN-29.
The LIN-4 antisense RNA down-regulates LIN-14,  allowing expression of L3
fates.  DAF-12 specifies L3 fates.   DAF-12 could directly or indirectly
regulate LIN-29, or  down-regulate  LIN-28 at later times to allow LIN-29
expression.    An unidentified gene  may determine L4 fates.  LIN-29, a Zn
finger protein (A. Rougvie, V.  Ambros, p.c.),  executes the L/A switch. 


              L1      L2           L3         L4          Adult

lin4 -----/lin-14a
    -------------/ lin-14b
                          }----/  daf-12  ---- ?  -----> 
                   lin-28  ----------------------------/  lin-29         
This diagram should be viewed with a non-proportional font.