Worm Breeder's Gazette 13(5): 27 (February 1, 1995)

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Tissue Specific Expression of Tropomyosins of Caenorhabditis elegans.

Kyoko Takuwa, Hiroaki Kagawa

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Okayama University, Okayama 700 JAPAN c5191 8@jpnkudpc.bitnet, hkagawa@sc.okayama-u.ac.jp

In C. elegans, there are two different types of muscles;
the pharyngeal muscles and body wall muscles. We cloned
and sequenced the tropomyosin gene, tmy-1 of the worm which
encodes more than three isoforms; two of body muscles and
one of pharyngeal muscle. Tmy-1 gene expression was controlled
by two promoters and alternative splicing. We have already
known the place of the tmy-1 gene expression by injecting
series of tmy-1 gene-lacZ fusion plasmids into the oocyte.
The expression of promoter activity was detected by histochemical
procedure of beta- galactosidase activity. The first
promoter controlling two isoforms expressed in the body
wall, vulva and male tail muscles. The second promoter
specifically expressed in the pharyngeal muscles (Imadzu
et al. WBG 13#3p56).
To know the results of promoter/lacZ expression were consistent
with the results of protein levels, we raised antibody
against bacterial produced tropomyosin followed by immunostaining.
Fusion protein of b-Gal-CeTMIII was isolated from sonicated
bacterial extract by ammonium sulfate precipitation
and ion exchange column chromatography. Affinity purification
of antibody was prepared by the protocol of Macef and Koch
(J. Cell Sci. 92, 61-70 1988), using the proteins immobilized
on nitrocellulose membrane. Worms processed with 2X Laemmli
buffer run on SDS PAGE. Blotted membrane was stained with
0.01percent Ponseau red in 5percent acetic acid and corresponding
band was cut for affinity purificaffon of antibody. Purified
protein from SDS-PAGE sometimes is not good antigen for
raising antibody for the purpose of histochemistry. We
should mention the effect of SDS treatment on the difference
between "before" and "after" immunization. Affinity
purified antibody by using worm protein was better than
that by using bacterial produced protein.
Affinity purified anti-CeTMIII antibody stained pharyngeal
muscle conversely anti CeTMI/CeTMII antibody stained
body wall muscles by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy.
Affinity purified antibody also detected a low molecular
mass of CeTMII (256 amino acids) on Western blot analysis.
These results confirm that promoter-lacZ micro injection
experiments were really the result of the transcription
and translation of the correct gene.
In our micro injection experiments on troponin I (Kuroda
et al), troponin C (Matsumoto et al) and ryanodine receptor
genes (Sakube et al., WBG 13#2p58), these genes expressed
in the body wall muscles. This suggest that muscle contraction
in the body wall could initiate with calcium signal of thin
filament linked; troponins-tropomyosin. This might
suggest that pharyngeal muscle contract with thick filament
linked; CaMd-myosin light chain pathway. Upstream carrier
of calcium in the pharyngeal may be inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate.
Yuji Kohara et al and Baylis et al. isolated the cDNA clones
of InsP3 which might express in the pharyngeal (WBG 13#4p18,
WBG 13#4p68) .