Worm Breeder's Gazette 13(2): 38 (February 1, 1994)

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TGF-ß signalling: the long and the small of it.

Cathy Savage, Richard Padgett.[1], Scott Baird[2]

Figure 1

[1]Waksman Institute and Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ 08855.

[2]University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biological Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.

daf-4 , sma-2 , sma-3 ,and sma-4 mutants show two phenotypes in common: small body size (Sma) and specific male tail ray and spicule defects (Mab). daf-4 has recently been shown to encode a serine/threonine kinase receptor that binds human BMP-2 ,a TGF-ß-like ligand (Estevez et al., Nature 365: 644). The striking similarity in mutant phenotypes therefore implicates sma-2 , sma-3 ,and sma-4 in this TGF-ß-ike signal transduction pathway. We wondered whether other known genes could also be involved in TGF-ß-like signalling and whether they could be used to place daf-4 , sma-2 , sma-3 ,and sma-4 into an ordered genetic pathway. We began by examining the phenotypes of double mutants between these four genes and lon-1 , lon-2 ,and lon-3 .The Lon phenotype of lon-1 is epistatic to all of the Sma phenotypes, while the Sma phenotypes of daf-4 , sma-2 , sma-3 ,and sma-4 are epistatic to the Lon phenotypes of lon-2 and lon-3 :

In most instances, the lon genes did not affect the other phenotypes of these mutants (Mab and, for daf-4 ,dauer constitutive, Daf-c). We did, however, notice one interesting exception: lon-2 enhances maternal rescue of the daf-4 Daf-c phenotypes. In particular, the daf-4 ; lon-2 progeny of heterozygous ( daf-4 /+; lon-2 /+)mothers were more likely to develop into adults (10% of F2 progeny became Sma adults) than were the daf-4 progeny of daf-4 /+mothers (2% of F2 progeny were Sma adults). This suppression requires maternal daf-4 product, since all of the progeny of daf-4 ;10n-2Sma adults enter dauer at 25°C. This result strengthens the link between lon-2 and this signalling pathway, leading us to propose that lon-2 is a negative regulator of daf-4 activity. For example, lon-2 could encode an antagonistic ligand that forms heterodimers with an activating ligand for daf-4 ,or it could encode a component of the extracellular matrix that binds the ligand for daf-4 and restricts its access to the receptor.

Alternatively, these genetic interactions could be the result of less specific effects of the mutant proteins. One additional observation, however, demonstrates that a Lon phenotype can be caused by over-activation of this pathway. Clones that rescue sma-4 in transgenic animals often confer a Lon phenotype. Taken together, these results suggest that at least a subset of the lon genes, most likely including lon-2 ,may be involved in this TGF-ß-like signalling pathway. Further testing of these hypotheses will require the identification of null alleles for these genes and the molecular cloning of their gene products.

Figure 1