Worm Breeder's Gazette 12(5): 55 (February 1, 1993)

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Suppressing a Suppressor: Cosmid Rescue of sli-1

Charles H. Yoon, Gregg Jongeward, Junho Lee, Paul Sternberg

Figure 1

Figure 2

Division of Biology, Caltech

sli-1 is a negative regulator of the vulval induction pathway in C. elegans. Reduction-of-function mutations in let-23 ,a C. elegans homolog of the mammalian EGF receptor, cause a vulvaless (Vul) phenotype. While mutations in sli-1 alone are silent (i.e., wild-type vulva), let-23 ; sli-1 double mutants display a greater responsiveness to the inductive signal, either having a hyperinduced vulval phenotype (Hin) or a less severe Vul phenotype. Thus, the wild-type function of sli-1 appears to be the negative regulation of vulval induction; a sli-1 mutation increases the number of cells forming vulval tissue. We have rescued the sli-1 mutant phenotype by microinjection with the cosmid T18D5 .

[See Figure]

Genetic mapping showed that sli-1 lies between egl-17 and unc-1 .The RFLP stP41 was mapped near and to the left of unc-1 (Anne Villeneuve, pers. comm.). We assumed that stP41 was near unc-1 ,that the contig extended to the left end of chromosome X, and that egl-17 was located at the end of the chromosome. We therefore chose the centrally located cosmids F02G3 , T18D5 , F25H6 , F25E2 .These cosmids were injected individually into let-23 ( sy1 ); sli-1 ( sy143 )double mutants along with rol-6 DNA as a transgenic marker, and stable transgenic lines were recovered and scored. Microinjection of the cosmid T18D5 rescued the Hin phenotype of the let-23 ; sli-1 parental strain and yielded transgenic progeny with the Vul phenotype typical of a let-23 mutation. Cosmids F02G3 , F25H6 ,and F25E2 failed to rescue the Hin phenotype in transgenic animals. An additional allele of sli-1 , sy129 ,was also rescued by the cosmid T18D5 in let-23 ( sy1 ); sli-1 ( sy129 )double mutants.

[See Figure]

Figure 1

Figure 2