Worm Breeder's Gazette 12(2): 97 (January 1, 1992)

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lin-31 acts late in the vulval development pathway

Barbara Anne Morisseau, Stuart K. Kim

Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305

We have been studying how lin-31 acts to specify vulval cell fates. lin-31 mutants display a deregulated phenotype in vulval development; any of the six Pn.p cells (P3.p-P8.p) may adopt any of the three vulval cell fates (1°, 2°, or 3°). For instance, in one animal P7 .pwas observed to express a 3° fate though it was in close proximity to the anchor cell while P8 .padopted a 2° cell fate even though it was farther away from the anchor cell. In addition, adjacent Pn.p cells can each adopt a 1° cell fate, suggesting that the lateral signalling pathway, whereby a 1° Pn.p cell prevents its neighbors from also adopting a 1° cell fate, is defective. Therefore, lin-31 is an integral component in the specification of all three cell fates and is required for the determination of all six Pn.p cells.

Our proposal that lin-31 has distinct functions in specifying three alternative cell fates is different from models explaining the function of other vulval determination genes, such as those with a vulvaless loss-of-function phenotype (Vul genes) or a multivulva loss-of-function phenotype (Muv genes). The Vul and Muv genes are thought to act as on/off switches that either activate or repress the anchor cell and hypodermal signalling pathways that control Pn.p cell fate. In lin-31 mutants, Pn.p cell fates may become deregulated because all Pn.p cells lack proper lin-31 regulatory functions.

Our studies indicate that lin-31 appears to act at a late step in the anchor cell signalling pathway. First, the anchor cell was ablated with a laser in lin-31 mutants and 1° and 2° cell fates were still expressed. This result indicates that lin-31 cannot act only in the anchor cell, and suggests that lin-31 is required at a step following the production of the anchor cell signal.

Second, lin-31 has been placed in the vulval developmental pathway using genetic epistasis experiments. Double mutants were constructed with lin-31 ( n1053 )and any one of five Vul mutants: lin-2 ( e1309 ); lin-7 ( e1413 ); lin-10 ( n1390 ); let-23 ( n1045 );and let-60 ( n1531 dn)/+.All five double mutants display the lin-31 deregulated phenotype. Pn.p cells can express 1° and 2° cell lineages in a variable way in the lin-31 ;Vul double mutants as determined using direct observation with Nomarski microscopy or by staining with FITC-labelled concanavalin A, a marker for 1° and 2° cell lineages (G. Freyd, personal communication). Because we feel we are studying a regulatory pathway, we place lin-31 downstream of lin-2 , lin-7 , lin-10 , let-23 ,and let-60 in the anchor cell signalling pathway. It is particularly interesting that lin-31 is downstream of let-60 ,a ras homologue. The lin-31 gene product could be a substrate of let-60 or could be acting farther downstream.