Worm Breeder's Gazette 12(1): 34 (September 1, 1991)

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lin-3 encodes a TGFalpha like molecule which may act as a AC signal that induces vulval development.

Russell Hill, Paul Sternberg

Figure 1

Division of Biology, Caltech. Pasadena, CA 91125.

lin-3 is required for vulval induction and acts in a pathway upstream of let-60 ,which encodes a ras protein, and of let-23 ,which encodes a homolog of the EGF receptor (EGF-R). Preliminary genetic and molecular data suggest that lin-3 may be a signal made by the anchor cell which induces vulval development.

Whereas reduction of lin-3 activity causes a recessive vulvaless (Vul) phenotype, multicopy lin-3 transgenes cause a dominant multivulva (Muv) phenotype. Two experiments using these transgenes are consistent with the hypothesis that lin-3 acts as an inductive signal. First, the Vul mutation let-23 ( sy97 )is epistatic to the Muv phenotype of the lin-3 transgene syEx13 .Thus presumptive overexpression of lin-3 by a transgene can only stimulate vulval fates if let-23 is functional. This observation suggests that the role of lin-3 is to activate let-23 .Second, the Muv phenotype of the lin-3 transgene syEx13 is dependent upon the gonad. Ablation of the gonad precursors in L1 syEx13 animals causes these animals to be Vul. Thus the transgenic animals either make lin-3 in the gonad, or lin-3 is made elsewhere but requires the gonad to be activated.

lin-3 encodes a transmembrane protein with a single EGF repeat, which is a structural motif found in a wide variety of proteins. Based on the overall structure of lin-3 ,we believe that lin-3 belongs to the family of growth factors that includes Transforming Growth Factor alpha (TGFalpha) and other known ligands of the mammalian EGF-R. Such molecules are made as membrane bound proforms that contain one or more EGF repeats. The membrane proximal EGF repeat is the ligand that is often proteolytically processed to create a secreted signal. In at least some cases, though, the membrane bound form also can activate the receptor. lin-3 requires the EGF repeat to function. The introduction of mutations into the transgenes that convert the third and fifth cysteines of the EGF repeat to serines results in a transgene with no ability to rescue a lin-3 Vul mutation or to cause a dominant Muv phenotype. Transgenes possessing either single mutation retain some function.

We propose that lin-3 is a vulval inducing signal that acts through the EGF-R homolog let-23 .We are currently investigating whether lin-3 is a ligand of let-23 ,whether lin-3 is processed to create a secreted form, whether the membrane form has activity, and where lin-3 is expressed.

[See Figure 1]

Figure 1