Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(5): 9
These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.
The CGC produces several different kinds of reference material for C. elegans researchers in addition to providing nematode strains. The following list describes the various items, the formats in which they are available and the date of the last version. Text files on computer diskettes are organized very simply and can easily be used with dBase and word processor programs on a variety of microcomputers ( IBM-compatibles and Macintosh). The information in the computer files is updated weekly or monthly. Paper lists typically order information in a way that reduces the need to have it on a computer and they are updated annually or biannually. All items are available on request. Letters on departmental letterhead should be addressed to Mark Edgley at the CGC (see address in the subscriber list at the back of this issue). Requests for computer text files must be accompanied by appropriate blank diskettes and information about the system and programs with which the data will be used (call Mark to find out the current size of each file). All disk files come with a description of data organization and some brief instructions for use. Paper lists may temporarily be unavailable if we have run out of copies and an update is in process. Strain List: All strains available from the CGC, giving strain name and genotype. The paper version is automatically sent to every laboratory with CGC strain and allele designations. It contains strains in order by genotype and the disk version contains them in order by strain name. Last paper version: September, 1990. Updates appear regularly in the WBG. Bibliography: All articles and book chapters on C. elegans and C. briggsae from 1866 through the present. The paper version (also automatically sent to all CGC labs) comes in two parts. The first covers 1866 through 1985 and the second covers everything since 1985. The first part is not updated, but the smaller second part is updated biannually. When the second part is as large as the first, a single list will again be generated. Each part is composed of three sections: (1) the complete list in order by first author; (2) an abbreviated list in order by CGC key number; and (3) articles grouped by keyword. The disk version contains articles in order by key number, first author or journal (specify when you ask for it; the default is key number order). Last paper version: February, 1986 (Part 1); September, 1990 (Part II). Updates appear regularly in the WBG. HyperCard and FileMaker versions are available for use on Macintosh computers. An Endnote version is in the works. Map Data: All genetic mapping crosses considered in generating the C. elegans genetic map. A full printout of the paper version is being put together now for mailing in January to people already on my request list (write to me if you think you're not on the list and you really need a copy). The list will contain data being used for preparation of the May, 1991 map in addition to all that has gone before. It is in three sections: (1) Two-factor distance data; (2) deficiency/duplication complementation data; and (3) multi-factor ordering data. In each section, the entries are ordered by gene or rearrangement name. The disk version contains entries in order by cross number. Last paper version: June, 1988 update. The disk files are updated during each map revision and are available shortly after the revision is published. Map Drawing: The computer drawing files for all genetic map sections are available for use on your own system. The drawing is produced using the program 'Designer' (Micrografx, Inc., Richardson, Texas), which runs under Microsoft Windows on IBM-compatible microcomputers, with the sections formatted for printing on an Apple LaserWriter Plus (other printers may not have available the line widths and fonts we use). You have to supply your own copy of Designer or other program that can read its drawing files. Conversion programs are available from Micrografx to make the drawings usable in Autocad, PageMaker, Harvard Graphics, Ventura Publisher, Freelance, Draw Plus, Graph Plus, WordPerfect and PC Paintbrush. These conversions are not perfect; some print attributes and image definition may be lost in translation and some programs do not allow editing. Generally, the more sophisticated the program, the better the quality of the converted image. WBG Subscribers: The complete list of subscribers with addresses, phone numbers, FAX numbers and BITNET addresses is printed in the first issue of each volume of the Gazette and in subsequent issues as space allows. At the very least, updates appear in each subsequent issue. The list is available as a computer disk file with the entries in order by last name. WBG Tables of Contents: The Tables of Contents of all WBG issues ( back to the first one) are available on diskette as simple text files. The entries include titles, authors, volume and issue numbers and page numbers. Tables of Contents from the Worm Meeting abstract books: A FileMaker version of these Tables of Contents are available for the Macintosh. Films: The CGC owns two short 16mm films on C. elegans that are available for loan. The first is the Encyclopaedia Britannica film 'Nematode', an 11-minute introduction to worm behavior and mutants using dictionary entries, music and toys for illustration. The second is 'Embryonic Development of the Nematode Caenorhabditis nstitut f r den Wissenschaftlichen Film, also about 11-minutes long. It is narrated time-lapse Nomarski photography of a developing embryo from fertilization through hatching, with a computer reconstruction of the embryo that rotates about its longitudinal axis to show relative positions of the nuclei. Requests should be made well in advance of the date you want the films (one month is good), and it's a good idea to call first to make sure they are not already out on loan.