Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(5): 87

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How to Make a mes of the Germ Line

Beth Capowski and Susan Strome

Figure 1

Figure 2

Grandchildless mutations identify loci that encode factors provided 
maternally and required for normal germ line development.  
Heterozygous animals produce 1/4 homozygous mutant offspring which are 
fertile, but which themselves produce all sterile progeny.  mes-3 is 
one of several such maternal-effect sterile loci isolated in the 
Strome lab (see WBG 11: 3, p.  64).  It is defined by three alleles, 
two non-conditional mutations and one tight temperature-sensitive 
allele.  Four lines of evidence suggest that mes-3 mutations primarily 
affect germ line development.  First, maternal-effect sterile 
mutations at this locus have been isolated at a rate consistent with 
isolation of loss-of-function alleles.  In addition, mes-3/Df animals 
display the same mutant phenotype as mes-3 homozygotes, suggesting 
that the grandchildless phenotype is the loss-of-function phenotype.  
Thirdly, mes-3 homozygotes grow at the same rate as their wild-type 
siblings and show little or no embryonic lethality.  However, they do 
have reduced brood sizes, suggesting that their germ lines may be 
affected, in addition to those of their progeny.  Finally, early 
embryonic lineaging of embryos from mes-3(bn21ts) mothers raised at 25 
C indicates that most of the early cleavages occur normally.  The only 
deviation from a wild-type pattern was observed in the P4 division, 
which took place 5-20 minutes later than in control embryos.
The germ line defect of the sterile mes-3 progeny has been analyzed 
by staining nuclei with DAPI and P-granules with antibody.  In wild-
type hermaphrodites, L1s hatch with two germ line precursor cells, Z2 
and Z3, which proliferate during larval development to a total of 
approximately 1000 germ nuclei in the adult (not including gametes).  
Sterile mes-3 hermaphrodite progeny also hatch with two germ line 
precursor cells, but show a much reduced germ line as adults (see 
figure).  None of the sterile animals produced any gametes and most 
had normal-looking somatic gonads.  In order to determine how animals 
whose germ lines appear indistinguishable from wild type as L1s 
develop into sterile adults with reduced or no germ line, an analysis 
of germ line proliferation in mes-3(bn21ts) mutant progeny was carried 
out on staged larvae (see table).  All experiments were performed at 
25 C.  In N2 control larvae, Z2 and Z3 began to proliferate late in 
the L1 stage.  By early L3, they contained 33 +/- 7 germ nuclei gonad, 
increasing to 126 +/- 26 as late L3/early L4s, 404 +/- 57 as late L4s 
and over 1000 germ nuclei as adults (once again, not counting gametes).
In bn21 mutant larvae, Z2 and Z3 also began to divide in late L1, 
reaching 34 +/- 9 germ nuclei gonad by the mid L3 stage.  However, at 
this point mes-3 proliferation began to lag behind N2 controls.  Early 
L4 animals contained 51 +/- 37 nuclei, and a maximum of 80 +/- 31 was 
attained in late L4 larvae.  After this point, the average number of 
germ nuclei per gonad dropped, halving by early adult and falling to 
14 +/- 28 in older adults.  Thus, it appears that loss of mes-3(bn21) 
function leads to decreased proliferation during later larval stages 
and loss of germ cells in adults.  Initial experiments with the bn35 
allele show a similar decrease in proliferation beginning in late L3 
animals.  However, staged adults have not been tested, so it is 
unclear whether divisions cease or germ cells are lost in bn35 sterile 
Since bn21 is a fully penetrant, fully expressed ts allele (
homozygous mothers produce 2% sterile progeny at 16 C and 100% sterile 
progeny at 25 C), its temperature-sensitive period (TSP) was 
determined.  Shifting larvae or adults up or down has no effect on the 
phenotype of the shifted animal, indicating that the TSP occurs during 
embryogenesis.  In order to determine when during embryogenesis, 
gravid bn21 hermaphrodites raised at 16 C were cut open and staged 
embryos were shifted to 25 C.  When 1-cell embryos were shifted up, 
all the animals grew up to be sterile, while shifting up gastrulating 
embryos (2-cell embryos incubated at 16 C for four hours before 
upshift) resulted in 95% fertile animals.  Similar downshift 
experiments were carried out on embryos.  Recovery was never complete, 
but downshifts of pre-gastrula embryos consistently resulted in 10-15% 
fertile animals, while downshifts of later-stage embryos resulted in 
all sterile animals.  This indicates that the TSP for the bn21ts 
mutation is early in embryogenesis, and it is consistent with a role 
for the mes-3 gene product in early germ line development.
Mutations in mes-3 appear to severely reduce the number of germ 
nuclei present and eliminate gametogenesis in the hermaphrodite.  The 
male germ line does not appear to be as strongly affected (see figure).
In male progeny of homozygous mes-3 mothers, the germ line 
proliferates to a greater extent in at least two of the alleles and 
some of the males produce sperm.  Individual male matings between bn35;
him-5 or bn53;him-5 males from homozygous mutant mothers and Dpy 
odites produced outcross in 10 out of 93 
matings.  Thus, these males are weakly fertile.  Surprisingly, 
although 7 of the 10 males produced fertile hermaphrodite outcross 
progeny, three of them produced all sterile hermaphrodite outcross 
progeny, despite the fact that the mother in all cases was mes-3+.  It 
is worth noting that all three mes-3 alleles are strict maternal 
effect, and also, that mes-3 homozygous male offspring of heterozygous 
mothers do not produce sterile progeny when mated with mes-3+ 
hermaphrodites, so this appears to be a great-grandchildless effect 
that is passed through the male germ line.
In conclusion, the mes-3 locus appears to encode a maternal factor 
required for normal germ line development.  It may function early 
during embryogenesis, and mutations at this locus cause reduced germ 
line proliferation, although it does not affect the male germ line as 
severely as the hermaphrodite germ line.  mes-3 maps between unc-38 
and dpy-5 on the left arm of chromosome I, so it is on a contig.
We have begun molecular analysis of the region and in collaboration 
with Janet Paulson, are attempting cosmid rescue of bn21ts Hopefully, 
this will provide insight into the role of the locus in germ line 
[See Figures 1-2]

Figure 1

Figure 2