Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(5): 1a

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Title unknown.

Authors unknown.

The next International Worm Meeting will be held at the University 
of Wisconsin at Madison from June 1-5, 1991.  Although the budget is 
not completely finalized, we feel that registration, lodging and meals 
will be approximately $250 per person.  All subscribers of the 
Newsletter will receive registration materials in the mail in early 
January.  The registration forms can be xeroxed and each Newsletter 
subscriber will receive two abstract forms, so nonsubscribers in the 
same lab will probably not have to send for additional registration 
packets.  However, registration materials can be obtained by writing 

Wisconsin Union Conference Organization, University of Wisconsin, 
800 Langdon Street, Madison, Wisconsin   53706-
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 15.  
This will allow us to organize the meeting and have the abstract 
booklet printed and distributed by the middle of May.  We hope that 
this will make the meeting even more useful.
It is likely that some funds will be available to support attendance 
at the meeting.  Instructions for applying for these funds will be 
included in the registration packet.
Organizing Committee: Marty Chalfie, Cynthia Kenyon, Scott Emmons 
and Phil 