Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(5): 18
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Once upon a time, a young graduate student (me) optimistically set out to clone the lin-22 gene. I thought this gene was especially interesting because gene dosage studies of lin-22 and mab-5 suggested that the two genes functionally antagonize one another. The N62 strain was used to identify a Tc1-element located 0.5 mu to the left of lin-22 (on the left arm of LGIV). Based on other markers in this region, 0.5 mu might be only 1-2 cosmids. I cloned a 3.3 kb fragment containing this Tc1-element and the two flanking sequences of 0.8 and 0.9 kb. When these fragments were used to probe worm genomic DNA Southern blots, a single, strongly hybridizing band was observed, with some high MW material hybridizing very weakly. I then set out to obtain lambda clones so that I could map this DNA to a contig that would contain lin-22.After screening many, many genomes and isolating only 'positives' that mapped to at least two different chromosomes ( none of them even LGIV), I began to suspect that the 0.8 and 0.9 kb fragments contained repetitive DNA and that I had never found a true positive in our library. I was able to isolate a smaller 450 bp fragment that appeared not to contain any repetitive DNA. This probe was found to hybridize to absolutely nothing on the polytene YAC blot, and I grew despondent because the gene was probably in a gap in the physical map. (There is a gap in the left arm of LGIV that is approx. 4% the size of the chromosome based on in situ data. If one divides the size of the genome by the no. of chromosomes, 10+E8 bp/6, one gets 1.6x10+E7 bp per chromosome. 4% of this number, the size of this gap, is 666 kb-just a little piece of hell on LGIV). Thinking that the presence of repetitive DNA in this region might have made clones unstable in our library, I then used the 450 bp fragment to probe an unamplified N2 library (thank you, Alan) grown on a recB-recC-sbcB- bacterial host. I and my ever hopeful P.I. learned what real positives looked like. I began to make DNA from these unhappy phage in anticipation of the glorious contig awaiting my discovery. In the meantime, the 450 bp fragment had been sent to Bob Waterston's lab where Bart (my hero) used this fragment to probe their YAC library. Some strong positives were identified; and I, older and battle-hardened, was finally united with a potential contig. The putative lin-22 contig: K08D11/Y54G2cyB, Y55C10cyB, Y50B4cyB++ I am currently awaiting confirmation that this is indeed the region containing my probe before I start microinjecting. This K08D11 contig might contain lin-22; but if it does not, at least the lin-22 gene is now flanked by two contigs: K08D11 to the left and the unc-33 contig to the right (unc-33 is the nearest cloned gene to lin-22 and is about 2.5 mu to the right of lin-22). In the meantime, I am drinking heavily and am preparing to walk into the gap from the left end of the unc-33 contig. I will also use pulse-field gel electrophoresis of very large fragments of genomic DNA to ascertain the distance between the 450 bp lin-22 probe and the ZK226 cosmid at the end of the unc-33 contig. Insightful comments and encouraging remarks are welcome.