Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(5): 15

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

The Genome Map of C. elegans

Yuko Kozono, Bart Lutterbach, Bob Waterston, Alan Coulson, Ratna Shownkeen and John Sulston

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

After the introduction of YAC libraries into the C.  elegans mapping 
project, we pursued reciprocal hybridization of YACs and cosmids to 
link together the cosmid contigs (see Coulson et al., Nature 335, 184-
186).  The YAC libraries have been increased to over 9000 clones, with 
over 3000 used in hybridization.  A steady reduction in contig number 
resulted so that by the beginning of this year the number of contigs 
had fallen to 170 (from a starting number of 700) and the average size 
had risen from 125kb to more than 550kb.
This greater continuity, combined with the ever increasing number of 
genetic loci placed on the physical map, increased the amount of DNA 
positioned on the genome map from less than 20 Mb to more than 75 Mb.  
The YAC coverage of the contigs was almost complete, and less than 
1000 were required to give redundant (2 fold) coverage of the physical 
map.  A grid of these clones (genomically ordered at the time of 
selection) has been prepared on a postcard sized piece of nylon (958 
clones in all) and replicas made for distribution.  Using the key 
provided and the electronic map (see WBG#10;3) it is now a 
straightforward procedure for a lab to locate any given DNA sequence 
on the genome map.  They have been used successfully in a number of 
labs.  These 'polytene' filters may be obtained from either St.  Louis 
or Cambridge by request.
By the beginning of the year, it had become clear that the 
reciprocal hybridization strategy was decreasingly useful and another 
approach was needed.  The remaining contigs were largely of two 
classes: (1) contigs with YACs as the likely endmost clones; and (2) 
small contigs lacking YACs.  The contigs with YAC ends were blocked 
from growth because the reciprocal hybridization strategy provides no 
way to recognize YAC-YAC overlaps.  To obtain an end probe from the 
YACs, sequence was obtained via an adaptation of Engelke's genomic 
sequencing method (Methods in Enzymology).  Primers were made and the 
PCR product used to probe to the YAC grids.  Hybridizing YACs were 
tested with the same primer pairs by PCR to confirm the overlap.  A 
total of 34 joins and rearrangements have resulted from the analysis 
of 186 ends.  Because these joins involve just the ends of YACs they 
are particularly vulnerable to artifact; please inquire if you need to 
know the status of particular areas.
The small YACless contigs were of a variety of types.  Some 
contained only cosmids made in the pJB8 vector that had been left out 
of the above grids because sequences share with the YAC vector.  Some 
had repeated sequences that led to ambiguous positioning.  Others 
simply had failed to hybridize with YACs tested.  To assign these 
cosmids to YACs, end sequence was obtained by direct sequencing of 
cosmid DNA, PCR was used to generate small probes and positive YACs 
were tested by PCR to confirm assignment.  Of 50 cosmids from which we 
have useful data, 38 have been assigned to YACs.  Currently, for 31 
cases these YACs either had previously been placed on the physical map 
or have been subsequently linked to larger contigs, thereby locating 
the small contigs.  Many of the remaining clones failed to give a PCR-
product from nematode DNA and have been set aside.  Only 2 clones were 
found which gave a PCR product from worm DNA and failed to identify 
any overlapping YAC.
Together these efforts have reduced the contig number to 102.  With 
the joins obtained and the continuing efforts of the community to 
clone and assign genetically mapped fragments on the physical map, 85 
Mb of DNA is now aligned with the genetic map.
[See Figures 1-4]

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4