Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(4): 38

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The ham-1 Gene Encodes an Unfamiliar Protein

Gian Garriga and Bob Horvitz

We have been studying genes that are involved in the development of 
the HSN neurons.  One of these genes, ham-1 IV, appears to be involved 
not only in HSN development but also in the development of the phasmid 
neuron PHB, the sister cell of the HSN.  The HSN/PHB phenotypes led us 
to propose a model in which the distribution of developmental 
potential between the HSN and PHB is abnormal in ham-1 animals (Desai 
et al., 1988).  In order to understand how the ham-1 gene product 
functions in HSN and PHB development, we have begun a molecular 
analysis of this gene.
Using Bristol (N2)/Bergerac (N62) RFLPs as genetic markers, we 
mapped the ham-1 gene to the contig containing unc-31.  A more 
detailed analysis mapped ham-1 between RFLPs recognized by the cosmids 
C08G1 and C13H6; of the 74 recombinants analyzed, ham-1 was not 
separated from the RFLP recognized by C03F9 (C08G1 and C13H6 overlap 
C03F9).  To see if we could rescue the ham-1 defects with genomic DNA 
from this region, we coinjected into ham-1 animals the rol-6 plasmid 
pRF4 together with cosmids that mapped near ham-1.  From the progeny 
of the injected animals, we established roller lines and scored them 
for two ham-1 phenotypes, egg laying and the ability of the phasmids 
to fill with fluorescent dyes.  Two cosmids, C03F9 and C13H6, rescued 
ham-1 animals for both egg-laying and phasmid loading defects, 
indicating that both C03F9 and C13H6 contain the ham-1 gene.  In 
additional experiments we have rescued the ham-1 defects with a 23 kbp 
fragment of C03F9 and partially rescued the ham-1 defects with a 12 
kbp fragment.
On Northern blots of poly(A)+ RNA using probes spanning C03F9, we 
detected a 1.8 kb RNA that we believe is the ham-1 mRNA for two 
reasons.  First, it is the only transcript that is detected on 
Northern blots when the 12 kbp DNA that partially rescues ham-1 is 
used as a probe.  Second, it is the only transcript recognized by the 
probes spanning C03F9 that is significantly reduced (>95%) in RNA from 
the mutant ham-1(n1438).  Genomic DNA from ham-1(n1438) contains a 
small deletion in this region.  In additional Northern blot 
experiments, we have shown that the ham-1 mRNA is enriched in poly(A)+ 
RNA prepared from embryos.
We screened 100,000 plaques from Stuart Kim's cDNA library with the 
23 kbp fragment that rescues ham-1 and isolated four cDNAs.  One 
appears to be a ham-1 cDNA because it comes from the 12 kbp region 
that partially rescues ham-1 and it recognizes the 1.8 kb ham-1 mRNA 
on Northern blots.  Since the cDNA is 1.8 kbp, it contains most of the 
ham-1 RNA.  Sequence analysis of this cDNA revealed a single long open 
reading frame that could encode a protein of 414 amino acids.  The 
putative initiator methionine is preceded by three in-frame stop 
codons indicating that we have defined the entire ham-1 coding region. 
This protein has no significant sequence similarity to any protein in 
the gene bank (TRANSGEN).  Add ham-1 to the scores of novel 
developmentally important genes defined by C.  elegans' genetics.