Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(3): 60

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An Update on lin-15 Genetics and Cloning

Linda S. Huang and Paul W. Sternberg

We are interested in lin-15 because it appears to be necessary for 3 
cell fates in vulval development and may act antagonistically to let-
23.   Previously isolated alleles of lin-15 fall into two major 
classes--those that give a Multivulva (Muv) phenotype (e.g., n309, 
n765 at 20 C) and those that are either class A or class B 'synthetic' 
(syn) Multivulva alleles, which only give a Muv phenotype in 
combination with another syn Muv allele of the opposite class (
Ferguson & Horvitz, 1989).
Even though there are at least nine known lin-15 alleles, none of 
these appear to be true nulls.   In an attempt to isolate null alleles 
of lin-15, males carrying mec-5(e1340) (a closely linked marker) were 
mutagenized with EMS and mated to unc-3(e151) lin-15(n765) 
hermaphrodites to screen for new mutations that failed to complement 
n765 for the Muv phenotype at 15 C.  At 15 C, lin-15(n765)/mnDf4 (a 
chromosomal deficiency that removes lin-15) are 60-80% Muv.  The rest 
of the progeny are phenotypically wild type and no apparent lethality 
is involved.  Since lin-15(n765) exhibits maternal rescue such that 
n765/+ hermaphrodites have n765/n765 progeny that are not Muv, males 
were mutagenized and mated to homozygous n765 hermaphrodites so that 
there was no maternal contribution of wild type lin-15 to rescue the 
Muv phenotype.  Although 35,000 F1 worms were screened, no new lin-15 
alleles were found.  This was surprising as we should have been able 
to detect a null allele, which are normally obtained at a frequency of 
1/2000-1/5000 worms, and, from our reconstruction experiment, at least 
60% of the lin-15 null alleles should have been recovered in this 
screen.  Possible explanations for not obtaining the null allele 
include the null being unobtainable by the point mutations usually 
caused by EMS, the frequency of lin-15 mutating to a null being very 
low, or because n765/Df is not equivalent to n765/unc-15(null) because 
the Df might delete a linked dominant suppressor locus or because the Df 
deletes sequences involved in dosage compensation since lin-15(n765) 
has been shown to be dosage compensated (Meneely & Wood, 1987).
We also have reason to believe that lin-15 syn muvs may not be 
exclusively defective in only A and B function.  Chip Ferguson 
demonstrated that n744(class B)/Df are 40% Muv.  We've found that n309(
visible Muv)/n767(class A) and n765(visible Muv at >20 C)/n767 worms 
can be Muv at 25 C, suggesting that n767 at 25 C is not a true A and 
may retain some B function, consistent with Chip's anecdotal 
observations.   At least three more lin-15B alleles have been found in 
mutageneses by various lab members and will be further characterized 
as to the extent of their B and possibly A defect.
One approach we have taken towards cloning lin-15 has been to use 
three lin-15 mutants generated in TR679 that were kindly given to us 
by Stuart Kim.   By using 10 different enzymes, we have identified 8 
different Tc1 insertions in the three strains.  Five were cloned using 
inverse PCR and one by construction of a size selected library.  We 
are now mapping these bands by probing YAC grids generously provided 
by Alan Coulson, and by using the strategy of picking Unc non-Sup 
recombinants from the unc-3(e151) + sup-10(n983)/+ lin-15 + 
heterozygote.   This mapping should tell us if any of these Tc1   
insertions are tightly linked to lin-15 and if not, should indicate 
how close they are to lin-15 and will provide us with molecular 
markers correlating the genetic and physical maps in this region.