Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(3): 3b

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

CGC Bibliography in Filemaker Version 2.0 for Macintosh, Memory Mate TSR for IBM-compatibles

The CGC Bibliography has been translated into a couple of programs 
other than dBase by various worm people.  David Barker and Andy Fire 
both have sent HyperCard versions to the CGC and Mark Blaxter has sent 
us a version in FileMaker 2.0.  None of these is perfectly up-to-date, 
so you'll have to be somewhat familiar with the programs to add new 
references.  The data files are available free from the CGC; to get 
yours, just send a blank 3.5' diskette to Mark Edgley at the CGC with 
a request letter.
In addition, Lew Jacobson has translated the bibliography into a DOS 
program called Memory Mate and he is willing to distribute the data 
file to anyone who sends him a blank 5.25' 360 Kb diskette.  Memory 
Mate can be operated as a TSR and called up with a hotkey from the 
middle of a word processor or other program.
Addresses for Mark and Lew can be found in the Subscriber Directory 
Update in this issue.