Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(3): 36

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Hormone Receptor Genes in C. elegans: Sifting the Wheat from the Chaff

Ann Sluder, Sho Gottlieb and Gary Ruvkun

Figure 1

In the hopes of identifying members of the nuclear hormone receptor 
gene family in C.  elegans we screened two cosmid libraries (MIT and 
MRC C-series) with degenerate oligonucleotide probes encoding a highly 
conserved motif within the zinc finger region of hormone receptors (
and not found in the TFIIIA class of zinc fingers).  Two separate sets 
of oligos were used, one encoding the amino acid sequence CGSCKVFFK (
glucocorticoid receptor class) and the other encoding CE(G/A)CK(G/A)FF 
(estrogen/thyroid hormone receptor class).  This screen identified 63 
cosmids which fall into 50 loci on the physical map.  Sequence 
information has been obtained for the hybridizing region of cosmids 
from nine of these loci; the hybridization signal strengths for the 
fragments sequenced range from weak to very strong.  Only one of these 
has proved to encode an authentic zinc finger domain.  This high 
percentage of false positives appears to be due at least in part to 
the high AT content of our oligo probes, especially at the two 
adjoining phenylalanine codons.  Although the probes behaved as 
predicted on control blots, when used to probe worm genomic libraries 
the oligos have hybridized to what are most likely intron sequences 
containing runs of A's and T's, at times bridging two regions of 
partial homology separated by one or two base pairs.  To separate 
likely candidates for additional authentic hormone receptor genes from 
other false positives we are further characterizing our collection of 
cosmids by the following approaches: hybridization with oligos 
homologous to other regions of the zinc finger domain; low stringency 
hybridization with known hormone receptor genes; hybridization with 
hot cDNA prepared from poly-A+ RNA in order to identify transcribed 
regions; and hybridization with C.  briggsae DNA to identify conserved 
(and we hope exonic) sequences.  In addition we are screening cDNA 
libraries with the oligos, both by hybridization and with PCR.  While 
genes which are expressed at low levels may be missed in cDNA screens, 
this approach should avoid the problem of spurious hybridization to 
intron sequences.
The one authentic zinc finger gene, which we have called crf-2 (C.  
elegans receptor finger) is contained in cosmid AD7.  This gene has 
also been identified by Barry Honda (Simon Fraser University) in a 
similar screen using a slightly different set of degenerate oligos.  
The predicted amino acid sequence of the zinc finger domain is shown 
in the figure aligned with the mouse thyroid hormone receptor, the 
most closely related known hormone receptor.  The two sequences are 
50% identical in the region shown.  The crf-2 gene has not been 
sequenced completely, but so far we have not detected any homology to 
known hormone receptors outside the zinc finger domain.  Developmental 
Northern blot analysis detects expression of a 1.6 kb crf-2 RNA in 
embryos, but not in L1 through L4 and at only very low levels in early 
adult hermaphrodites.  The expression observed in adults could well be 
due solely to early embryos contained within the gonads.  Whether crf-
2 transcription occurs maternally or zygotically or both remains to be 
determined, but in situ hybridization experiments (see Greenstein and 
Ruvkun, WBG, this issue) indicate that crf-2 RNA is present primarily 
during the first half of embryogenesis.  The physical map location of 
crf-2 places it on chromosome I, between dpy-5 and dpy-14.  Efforts 
are currently underway to map crf-2 relative to the lethal 
complementation groups in this region (with the help of generous gifts 
of strains from the Ann Rose lab), as well as to characterize more 
completely its gene structure and expression patterns.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1