Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(3): 30

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fem-2, unc-45 and daf-7

Dave Pilgrim

Figure 1

Those of you who have been looking at John and Alan's plots of the 
contigs on LGIII over the last few months will have noticed a cluster 
of ePs appearing near the left end.  These are as a result of my 
continuing efforts to clone fem-2.  I described the beginnings of this 
in a poster at the meeting last year.  As there are no tagged alleles 
of fem-2 (or unc-45 or vab-7, which map very close), I have been 
trying to use N21B0 congenic lines to isolate polymorphisms (pm's) 
near fem-2, and then walk from those to the gene.  I was immediately 
successful in cloning a Tc1 pm (eP64) which I knew was closely linked 
to unc-45, and used this to identify a contig from the physical map.  
Since that time I have been refining the genetic map on the left end 
of III (mec-12 and daf-7 are in the wrong positions in pre-1990 maps) 
and trying to order the contig with respect to the genetic map.
To make a long story short, after much contig gymnastics, in which 
linkages moved around a bit, I have now found a total of four N2/B0 
RFLPs (eP70, 91,92,93) in addition to eP64 which lie on the contig.  
These allowed me to orient the contig with respect to unc-45 and dpy-1 
as shown below (I was using unc-45 for most of the constructions.  fem-
2 has a maternal effect and maps ~0.3 map units from unc-45.) For 
higher resolution, I made some N2/B0 recombinants between daf-7 and 
unc-45, and when I looked at the DNA of the recombinant strains with 
cosmids that detect the RFLDs, I was unable to separate eP70 and daf-7.
daf-7 was successfully rescued by injection of C50G1, and 
subsequently by B0412 and DE9, but not by K02F3 or E03B11.  I have 
transmitting lines from the three cosmids that rescue (ROL-6 was used 
as a co-injection marker.  It works very well), but no integrated 
lines yet.
The recombinant profile to date for the region looks as 
unc-45  (10/45)  eP93  (10/45)  eP64  (22/45)  eP91  (3/45)  [eP92 
eP70  daf-7]This predicts that unc-45 is to the left of eP93, possibly 
in a gap that is spanned by several YACs.  I have tried to rescue unc-
45 and fem-2 with a mixture of cosmids from the left of the gap, but 
with no success.  I have not found a RFLD to the left of unc-45 either,
which would set a leftward bound to where unc-45 could lie.  By the 
time this comes out, I hope to have filled in the gap with clones from 
a genomic library in lambda that I got from Alan Coulson, and tried to 
rescue unc-45 and fem-2 by injecting YACs from the region.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1